Broody Hen Thread!

Let's chat about my flock. This year we had a measly 3 ducks. 1 male 2 female. Both girls went broody one with a nest of only 3 and one with a nest of 8. So I've never had a male before he was an accident. I excited about the babies and a bigger flock again.
What to do with dad going forward? Should there be a fear of inbreeding with any new girls next year? Will they be fine.
Also there regular pen when not free roaming is about 173 sq. Feet. With two duck houses. We have never had more then 6 to 8 ducks before. Now we are looking at a possible 14 if all hatch. Then there is a question of what to do with to many boys...? Any thoughts?

My new broody hen.
Its so hot out here (105-110) that im surprised i have another broody hen, and even more surprised the hens are still laying eggs in this heat.
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My new broody hen.
Its so hot out here (105-110) that im surprised i have another broody hen, and even more surprised the hens are still laying eggs in this heat.
Gift that girl a fan and applause. Any hen that has the brass to sit on a nest of eggs in Arizona heat (DH and I got married in Casa Grande in early spring when the temps were only in the balmy 90s) has my utmost respect.

On the bright side. She sure doesn't need to generate much heat, does she? But I bet she is cranking up the humidity!

Congratulations on the new broody! May all your chicks be pullets!
Gift that girl a fan and applause. Any hen that has the brass to sit on a nest of eggs in Arizona heat (DH and I got married in Casa Grande in early spring when the temps were only in the balmy 90s) has my utmost respect.

On the bright side. She sure doesn't need to generate much heat, does she? But I bet she is cranking up the humidity!

Congratulations on the new broody! May all your chicks be pullets!

Thanks. I try go out there and mist her every few hours, she doesnt seem to get up often enough (like the last broody) to stay hydrate, so im trying to help as much as possible without making her uncomfortable. Its just wayyyy too hot...
We have a chick under our broody! Jet black with white markings on the face and a white tummy. Looks like a penguin! Mama let us have a tiny peek before I overstepped my bounds and she growled at me!
I can pour dry food through the vents for baby (she is picking away at it already) but what do I do about water for baby? Will Mama bring her out for a drink soon? Should I try to place a bottle cap of water in the crate? Is this worth losing an arm over? lol
We have a chick under our broody!   Jet black with white markings on the face and a white tummy.  Looks like a penguin!  Mama let us have a tiny peek before I overstepped my bounds and she growled at me!
I can pour dry food through the vents for baby (she is picking away at it already) but what do I do about water for baby?  Will Mama bring her out for a drink soon?  Should I try to place a bottle cap of water in the crate?  Is this worth losing an arm over? lol

X 2 for what MotorcycleChick said.... chicks don't need food or water for up to 3 days after hatch, this is the Mother Nature safety net to allow for other eggs to hatch before mama has to leave nest for food and water. Make sure there is a chick safe waterer and a chick feeder or food dish somewhere nearby so if the chick roams tomorrow it can find it and use it if it wants.
I can pour dry food through the vents for baby (she is picking away at it already) ?
""""I"""" would never put feed in or close to the nest. As said the chicks can do without food for several days(13 days I know for sure---Long Story). If mom/broody is on the nest hatching and feed is placed in or near the nest-----one of 2 thing will happen and neither is Good. She will poop in the nest----nasty poop or she will have to get off the eggs to run poop which is not good while they are hatching. Good Luck
Okay guys, this is why y'all read so many people preaching about keeping your flock safe. What you are looking at here is my chicken tractor. I let my 2 spare roosters out in it during the day and I was thinking about putting my broody and her 8 babies in it for a day until I had an instance of one of the roosters loosing his tail feathers to some predator and lately, the bowl of feed I put out for the roosters coming up missing over night when the tractor is vacant.

Up goes Mr. Game camera and bingo, here is what we saw. We think they tried to reach into the little coop via a window and snatch a rooster for dinner.

The tractor is made out of an aluminum frame covered with chicken wire as we never planned for birds to be kept in it overnight. It's not real light but it is cumbersome to move around.The corner nearest the little raccoon is where they dug UNDER the tractor and were able to slide under the frame work.

Never underestimate raccoons.

Tonight the live trap goes out and the raccoons are going....well, they are just going.

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