Broody Hen Thread!

My experiencd was with bantams. They were all bantams but all different. fhe rooster was a beautiful red, green, blue, white, black rainbow of color and as feisty as any. My nest boxes were about 3 feet up and had 2 or 3 inch lips. I wasnt being fussy, i just wanted to see if we could get some chicks and we did.

The process was to see which hen wanted to hog the eggs, mark a few and collect the rest. Left the marked eggs in the same nest and all the hens wanted to lay in that nest so i let them. Neat thing was the eggs never got left with no warm butt on them but it wasnt always the brood mom so in 21 days i had chicks, no fuss no bother. When all the chicks were hatched i moved the mom with the chicks into a brood pen made of hardware cloth inside the coop where the hens could see and smell them and hung feeder and water low enough the chicks could eat and fed them and mom medicated crumbles. I kept the mom in there for quite a while. She didnt have a choice and she cared for them til I let them out and protected them even after that.

While she sat on tne eggs she was free to come and go as she pleased which she did. When she left, another hen would jump right up and keep the eggs warm while she laid then she would hop off the nest and mom would come back. At one point i had 2 hens fighting over who was mom but the real mom was pretty obvious so i encouraged it. Point is, if she is really a mom she wont hurt the chicks so you can keep her with them til you think they are big enough to be let out and, if she really is a mom, she will protect them in the flock.

This particular mom was always a mom, she didnt go broody. She would always try to sit on the eggs and if i marked some and left them she would stay on them. I guess thats why this broody business was new to me :)

The only 2 i lost was due to sharp corners in the coop. I now have chamfered corners (diagonal 12" plywood across the corner) so the chicks cant be trapped and pecked to death. My coop is much safer now for the chicks.



4 hens gone broody, rhodie and both goldtops went broody yesterday and light Sussex is due to hatch eggs next Saturday marans
Ok I could seriously be in trouble! Once my 6 week olds start laying, I'll have 4 hens I can get sex linked chicks from! I'll be a hatching fool.
Silkie roo over barred rock, Japanese bantam, and production red. I knew the Japanese bantam from a previous hatch but the others were new finds.

So with the silkie rooster over barred rock----how you tell the difference between male and female at hatching?

A Production red is a sex-link so how will she produce true sex-links? What you cross breeding her with?
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Barred males so have the white dot. Non barred females all black at hatch. I'm assuming the reds will work like japanese bantams. They have yellow legs, silkie has dark legs. Boys get yellow legs from hen and girls will have dark legs.
Barred males so have the white dot. Non barred females all black at hatch. I'm assuming the reds will work like japanese bantams. They have yellow legs, silkie has dark legs. Boys get yellow legs from hen and girls will have dark legs.

I know all barred rock male and female have white spots on their head unless they are crossed with certain breed, I never crossed a barred with a silkie roo so I am not familiar. I know that no sex-links produce sex-links but if you breeding them to something for leg color---I have no experience in that. Have you done/breed like this a lot and can you tell the males/females at hatching??
@PD-Riverman The only cross I've done previously is with the silkie x japanese bantam. I didn't know at the time that legs would give me the sex but out of 5 I had 4 with dark legs and one with yellow. Ended up with 4 girls and a boy. Boy's name is Mr. Obvious simply because he was obvious at 2/3 weeks.
My research says any barred female with a non barred male produces black sex links. Boys with barring gene so the white dot, girls without so no dot.

Anyone feel free to jump in and correct anything as I'm not experienced at all with any of this. Just going off what I've read.

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