Broody hens hatching 6/22, 6/26, 7/3, 7/6, 7/11 Any one due w/ us

So noone told me that scovies take 35-37 days. At day 30 I went out and candled and found 4, really only 3 but DH said keep the fourth just in case. Today my broody has decided she is done with 2 days left on the eggs

We went out this evening to put her back in the big coop and to check to see if there was any possibility that the three eggs were any good as she's been shoving them around for most of the day. All 3 are good. One is solid with no air cell left, one was pecking at me and the third was moving good.

I went and stuck them under a silkie that is sitting in her nest box, hoping she'll remain on them until they hatch. I have no clue what to do with them if she doesn't. I have two bators but both have eggs on turners in them.

I'll update tomorrow.
I candled my eggs last night -- these are the 18 that I have in the bator that I got from okiehen, set for a 7/11 hatch -- of the 18, I saw 9 definite good ones (lots of movement), 6 I couldn't tell and 3 that were duds. I left them all in but I'm soon going to toss the three that were definitely dead.

My hatchery chicks should be here tomorrow!
Day 20 for hen # 7, I could smell rotten eggs yesterday.

I hope she hatches some. I'll post update as soon as I have one.

kelly its the year of the broody

clucky I hope your silkiy does the job.

for a great hatch.
I went out this evening to peek at the unbroody silkie sitting on my leftover three scovy eggs and guess what???

Two were hatched!!!
One is still peeping in the shell. One was dry and fluffy and the other had just hatched and was just lying there. Not sure if it will make it or not. Now I'm not so sure their Muscovies. I'm gonna post pics tomorrow for confirmation. They weren't due till tomorrow so I was totally suprised
hope all is well.

Today is 21 days for hen #7 I dont hear a thing I'll give her time she is setting tight.

today is day 18 for #8 and #9 I'll be keeping a close watch on them.

My hens that were raising chicks all have gave it up and have started laying again, but my stay with it game hen #1 she loves being a mom. Those welsummer chicks will be as big as her before we know it.

I wish the temps would stay mild. But no chance of that. If the 3 hens that are egg-less stay broody I may give them a few of the eggs from the bator at day 18 and if all goes well may let them raise the chicks. Well just have to wait and see. I need more broody hen/chick pens.
The other ducky was out and fluffy this morning
So out of 12 eggs I got 3 ducklings. Not bad since I only paid $1.50 for the dozen at an auction. I will post pics as soon as the rain stops and I can get out to the barn.

I have another batch of eggs that came unexpectantly in the mail that are in my bator and due to hatch on the 20th. My next batch due is next Thursday. I have 5 marans under a silkie broody and 7 marans eggs under a BO broody. Can't wait to see if those make it
It's broody lockdown!!! Today is day 18 for my two girls that are sharing 4 eggs. This will be my first broody experience and I can't wait to see those little fuzzbutts with their mamas!
Day 22 for hen #7 not a sound not a thing going on I lifted her up and she only has 5 eggs left
I'm thinking shes not going to get any to hatch. I'll wait till tomorrow.

Day 19 for hen's # 8 & 9 so far so good

for all that are on lock down in the waiting mode.
Well, better late than never

These 3 chicks
hatched on June 27th. The hen had 3 EE eggs plus 3 EE/RIR cross eggs under her. Only the EE eggs hatched. I opened the other eggs and there were only scrambled eggs in there....although, after reading about exploding eggs
I was careful to put them inside of a baggie while I was cracking them.


Ha Ha! I have a broody turkey and a broody chicken "sharing" a nest. They keep stealing the eggs back and forth from eachother, but it's definately one big nest that they are sharing, not 2 seperate ones. One chick hatched either late July 1st or early July 2nd, and it looks like one hatched last night but didn't make it. There's still about another dozen or so eggs under them now, so I'm keeping my fingers crossed for a good hatch. I'm hoping my hens will continue to stay broody since this will be a staggered hatch.... both turkey and chicken eggs under them, and for the first 2 weeks they were letting other hens lay with them and lay eggs, then would steal the freshly laid egg and put it with their little clutch!

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