Broody in Feb!!!??

Ooo, they are so cute. I'm jealous though, it seems like forever since we have seen dirt! (Getting tired of snow...)
I have a wheaten and blue wheaten hens that are real clucky in the nest, but they always seem to get on the roost at night. I wonder if I left eggs in the nest if they would stay there?
Oh, I have so many questions too!
My year old welsummer just went broody...
I' live in N. CA, so it's warm ish here compared to ya'll...
I just left the eggs and her in her nesting box, should I move them?
there are actually two broody ones, one on a dozen eggs, one on about 6...
is there anything I need to DO for them?
how do I know when they are sitting on them all day?
when do I count from?
I know I took all the eggs outta there two weeks ago, so these are all withing two weeks old... and she seems to have been awful happy to sit (shall I say refusing to LEAVE her eggs) as of last weekend on Sunday...
now what?
oh, they are Welsummers...
one Black copper maran hen in there, so could be an egg or two of that hen with the wellie roo mix...
thanks all!
If she's sitting on them and is content, you can just leave her do her job. But....sometimes the othe girls will crawl into the nesting box and lay THEIR eggs ON her. Some people move the broody to a sacluded location because of this. Your choice. You do what best for your flock. Some people are concerned that their hens don't get off the nesting box to eat and drink for days. It may happen. You may feel you need to intervene there too. Again. You do what you think is best for your flock. If they are sitting all day, then they are sitting all day and night. And that's when you are to have day #1. wait......and wait....and wait some more. It'll be the longest 21 days of your life, I swear. Keep us posted. Good luck!
If she's sitting on them and is content, you can just leave her do her job. But....sometimes the othe girls will crawl into the nesting box and lay THEIR eggs ON her. Some people move the broody to a sacluded location because of this. Your choice. You do what best for your flock. Some people are concerned that their hens don't get off the nesting box to eat and drink for days. It may happen. You may feel you need to intervene there too. Again. You do what you think is best for your flock. If they are sitting all day, then they are sitting all day and night. And that's when you are to have day #1. wait......and wait....and wait some more. It'll be the longest 21 days of your life, I swear. Keep us posted. Good luck!

I agree with fordmommy, but another thing you need to consider is the height of the nest. Can the chicks get in and out? They will need to be able to get to food and water. Also, if one would fall out, she can't get it back in. She may leave all the others to warm the one, or the one may die because she won't leave the others.

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