Broody now!

I am so excited! Our buff orpington, Luna, has been setting on 3 eggs. Look at the surprise I found this morning!!

Luna would only let me take one picture before jumping back in the nest!


Here's Luna, about 2 1/2 weeks ago:


There are 2 more eggs, we shall see what happens!

So cute!!

I'm going to get pics of the babies, it's been crazy around here with things, but I am getting pics before these little boogers outgrow the cute fuzzybutt stage. We have 17 new additions so far, 2 more to hatch and I don't want to go into the losses right now, BUT, I do have a lav split that is a miracle in itself! No idea of who was the momma, but I have a good idea...this baby is so pretty, I just wish that her sib was with her, but she was scalped yesterday and passed tonight.

I can't seem to rest lately, everything is SO busy that there's always something to do, but I'm glad that the buddy chick is back with it's mom, even though I do miss having it crashed out on my neck underneath my hair after Baldy passed.

If the mommas will let me, will get pics tomorrow.
I'm pecked raw right now, lol.
AWWW! One of our hens went broody, but she's a little unclear on what she's supposed to do. At first, when she was on a nest with an egg, I stuck a few others under her. She left the nest. Then, I left her alone when she stuck herself on another clutch of eggs. Which would have been fine, except then she left that and moves around every day to sit in a different spot on different eggs. Poor little thing!!! I don't think we're going to get chicks this year.

On another unrelated and disappointing note, we had a Canadian goose on her nest by the site of our pond for the past 3-4 weeks...(well, it sure seemed that long). We've deferred contractors from starting on pond rehabilitation work, but yesterday morning when I went by (I've been strolling by every day), she was gone, the nest was empty except for a few broken shells, and an ENORMOUS black snake was lurking around. : (
Frenchy's hatching hers now. One out a Delware I think. Don't want to pester her to much so I'll control myself til morning.
Oh and I had a fourth go broody so I moved some of anothers eggs to her so her hatch will be real short. I hope she doesn't wonder why she's been sitting on eggs for only ten days.
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