Broody Sebright


In the Brooder
6 Years
I believe I have a broody sebright. She was in the nesting box all day but I didn't really think much of it as her and my Milles Fleur can sometimes go in and out for hours before laying an egg. It wasn't until I was closing them all up that I realized she was missing. I opened the nesting box door and there she was all flat with her head tucked into her wing. I am a newbie so I panicked and ran to the phone lol Anyway we lifted her up so I could check to see if she was egg bound and there was an egg! I felt her very well and everything felt fine so I put her on the perch. Went back out half hour later and she was in a different box. I put her back on the perch but she jumped down and started eating.

Some thoughts... I have read that she will puff up and get nasty with me if she is broody. She isn't doing that BUT she did do it to my other hens. They weren't allowed anywhere near her. I never ever expected her to go broody as she is a sebright and a rescue (we think she is around 3-4). She is also a daily layer which is also odd.

My question,,,Should I see if I can get a fertilized egg for her or do you think I should just break her? I would love a silkie and have room for 1 more hen but would like to hear from other sebright owners if they have ever had a succesful hatch with a broody sebright. I know that it is usually difficult but then gain she isnt supposed to get broody lol

Any help or thoughts would be GREATLY appreciated!
Not all broodies will be mean. I have some that will rip my arm off piece by piece, and others that let me look under them without anything more than a gentle peck.

I would not get fertile eggs until she has been on the nest for 2 consecutive nights. At that point, she's serious about brooding and you can get her some eggs.
Thank you so much Happy!

I had never heard of one not being nasty before. I feel better now :) She is my only one who lets me hold her and she follows me everywhere so I guess it makes sense that she is ok with me.

She got out today to eat, drink and dustbathe and then ran back. She has also started pulling her feathers out and has started lining the nest with them. I have put a soft call out to see if anyone even has any fertilized bantam eggs. So depending on the response and her over the next couple days we shall see!

Thank you again!
I know this is an old thread but how long did she stay broody and did you get her eggs to hatch and if so did she hatch and how was she as a mother?
She was broody for about a week or so before I put some eggs under her. We started with 6. 2 were duds and one should have hatched but didn't. I think 3 was really the maximum that she could keep covered. She hatched out 3...1 milles fleur/silkie cross and 2 silkies.

She was a great mom! They were born on May 31 and she had them all up on the high roost by July 14. (I didn't even know silkies could go that high!) I kept waiting for her to start pushing them away but they actually went their own way on their own. It was a great experience :)


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