Broody with mites


12 Years
May 8, 2010
Texas City, TX
My buff orpington has been acting broody for close to 2 weeks. I would try to get her out of the nest and walk around and she would always just puff her feathers up, walk around a little and go back in. She didn't look right the way that she was puffed up and the other girls would peck at her. I finally noticed that she had mites on Thursday and ran inside to check BYC for a cure.
I removed all of the shavings from the coop and treated it and her with Sevin dust. When, I got home from work the following day, she was running around the backyard with the other girls and back to her old self. I am now realizing that I could have lost her from mites, because they were making her so weak and it was not being treated.

The moral of the story: If you have a broody hen, keep a close watch for mites and other pests.
I cant beleive this but I came on here to ask about a sick chicken ,I found mites yesterday because she was acting sick and walking funny.. weak like, so i looked and found mites..yuk..and I dont have seven so got to go get it this morning as sson as store opens.. but will she last, do I need t give her something else? some kind of medicine or vitamins, something to help her fight this..I am just sick.. also i=do these mites transfere to people? we actully thought we had a flea problem cause we have the chicken in the house because she is so young..but we realise she had mites and now we feel them on us..its very disgusting and i am creeped out..we got rid of the cage asap and have her in a box and dusted her with Diamatrius earth last night and wood ash mixed to try to give her some releif..but she seems worse..
I cant beleive I came on for this very reason. found mites last night, bird fading fast, need to get 7 today as soon as store opens (another reason to have my first aide kit ready and complete) but she is worse this morning, she is not broody but we noticed she is sickly.. not walking right and weak..she is young only about 4 months old. we have her in the house in seprate cage cause she is too young to put out side in the cold coop cause she has been in a garage with heat.and we fear she is not gonna acclimate to the cold fast enough. any how can the mites tranfere to people.. we thought we had a flea problem but finding it was these mites.. yuk i am creeped out so much.. but need to save my hen
ok thats weird cause i posted and it did not go thru, so I did it again and their was the first one.. sorry for the double post..slow internet this morning i guess.
Get the Sevin dust on her ASAP to get rid of the mites. They are draining her blood and making her weak. It wouldn't hurt to give her poly-vi-sol, it is liquid infant vitamins that you can get at any drug store and grocery stores.
X2 Also feed her some scrambled eggs and other high protein food and see if you can get hold of a vitamin+mineral supplement for poultry. Good luck!
Mites can be deadly but are also easy to treat. Best and quickest method is to give your hen a warm bath. Fill up your sink or put one of those plastic dish pans in, with warm (not hot) water up to he neck. If you had some flea shampoo, you can put a few drops in the water, but just the water alone will cause the mites to come off. You may have to do several dumps, cleaning the water in-between. After that, dry her gently with a blow dryer on low setting, keeping your hand between the blow dryer and the chicken, making sure she doesn't get burned.

If you can't find sevin dust, you should be able to find Poultry Dust at the feed store. Dust her down with that to catch any stragglers. i also use Ivermectin drops on the back of the neck, right on the skin. That will kill the mites, lice, and some worms. Don't eat the eggs for 14 days afterwards.

Mashed hard boiled eggs will get their strength back. Also, make sure that if you get the Polyvisol vitamins you get the kind without iron. Better yet, most feed stores will have vitamins for chickens, or you can find Avia Charge 2000 online.
I also just tonight noticed mites. I was collecting an egg from the nest box and saw it had teeny red bugs crawling on it. Agh my poor chickens I feel awful I didnt notice sooner I hope this problem is new to them. I plan tomorrow morn to go out to TSC and get Sevin Dust for the hens and a spray to spray down the entire coop. My questions are 1) What do I do with all the old bedding/shavings because they probably have the mites all in it? 2) I have 4 seperate coops do you all think this is just in the one coop or possibly the others. Im not sure if I shouls treat everyone and clean all coops or focus on just the one? Also thanks for the tip on the eggs and vitamins. I will feed the eggs in the am and Ill have to buy vitamins tomorrow. Any other tips Id love to hear any and all thanks.
If you have them in one coop there is a good chance you have them in all the coops. Those little things spread around very quickly. I think you should remove all the bedding and shavings from the coops and burn it. Dust all the chickens and spray the coops, nest boxes everything before putting new bedding and shavings in. Repeat spray and dust after 10 days to get rid of any new bugs hatched from the eggs.
The last two times I had a broody hen,they got mites.Yuck.I guess its because they hardly ever left the nest and did not dust bathe as usual.Anyway,I dusted with D.E. and totally replaced all bedding .I repeated this often before chics hatched.One was so infested I did have to use 7 dust ,which i would rather not but she really needed it and it did the job.I try to only use DE when there are chick present though

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