Buckeye Breed Thread

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Thanks everyone. We normally remove the tray too, it just occurred to me today that I don't always and I wondered if it affected hatching in anyway that I hadn't noticed. I feel like the tray can be a trap too. We typically move them from the turning incubator to the hatching incubator, but not always. Just wanted to get some thoughts and I appreciate your feedback!
Just wanted to let you all know that thanks to some diligence on the part of Janet Hatch (thanks Janet!) we were able to find the great-grandson of Mrs. Nettie Metcalf herself, Randall Lee Dawson, and his wife Anne Marie. They have allowed us to give them an honorary membership to the American Buckeye Poultry Club (I sponsored it myself, as the founder I felt it was the least I could do), and we're going to help them find Buckeyes for the coop they are building out in California (I have offered to send them some chicks for free too!)

So very excited to have "met" them online, it's like touching a little bit of Buckeye history! Anne Marie and I chatted for a while on Facebook yesterday, she is just the nicest person you can imagine, and it was just such a treat all around.

So thanks again to Janet for "finding" them, and a general huzzah!
This is super neat. And it's always a cause for celebration to have more Buckeyes in California!
We have another new member of the ABCP in California too, Thomas Dinwoodie, of Atwater. See the ABPC breeders list for his contact info.
We have another new member of the ABCP in California too, Thomas Dinwoodie, of Atwater. See the ABPC breeders list for his contact info.
I'll have to stop by, I lived in Atwater for 15 years and still have a good friend there who owns a boarding stable, and I will be visiting my mom and sisters in Merced, the next town over, in May.
Love the pictures Chris! I keep thinking mine will look like that soon.


Me too! Mine are still at that awkward phase at 12 weeks old. But they've finally stopped acting like the sky is falling when we step out the back door and are reverting more towards how they were the first few weeks in the brooder. I nearly stepped on three of them this morning when I went out to feed them!
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