Buckeye Breed Thread

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You have to get both!!!!! I have both and love them...It is like potato chips..You can not have just one!!
I will even send you eggs
wannabe_goatmom asked:Do you think the Buckeye would be a good first roo?

Yes. I just love the Buckeye roosters. They are full of personality. They become very protective of their hens. Mine would break up fights between the hens, chase away cats, (I observed rooster) chasing a Cooper's hawk out of the run. I have had them catch a mouse and tease the hens with it, finally letting them take it.

When I went to JamesA place, he has 3 Buckeye cockerels and 6 Buckeye pullets-- his 9 Buckeyes stuck together like glue, and I saw one of his Cockerels run down to where one of his pullets had went to the nest box to chase off one of the non-Buckeyes. His Buckeye Cockerels also hung out together with no conflict whatsoever. JamesA can probably tell you more.​
James, you are as bad as Laura (Pathfinders) ... getting us all into the Buckeyes now! Ya know, come to think of it, I think you are the one that MADE us all get into the Delawares, too!

Repeating myself, I know, but ... I do like the idea of raising the heritage birds, and working to get them off the, "critical," status. Have you seen that list? It surprised me. http://www.albc-usa.org/cpl/wtchlist.html

, I'll sneak out now, and go ponder some more ....
Am I as bad as Speckled hen? All I have to say is let me know when you are ready for some buckeye eggs

Honestly though these are wonderful birds
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JamesA ... the enabler !

Websters definition: en·abler
one that enables another to achieve an end; especially : one who enables another to persist in self-destructive behavior (as substance abuse) by providing excuses or by making it possible to avoid the consequences of such behavior
Goatmom, you're not far from me at all (I am outside of Williamstown.) Let me know when you're ready for a Buckeye cockerel in the spring, I'm sure I'll have lots of extras! Would be happy to rehome one for free.

Hi everyone, can't believe I just found this thread. JamesA, I also got a cockeral from Chris at the Ohio National. I love him. He is so sweet to the pullet that I also got from the Ohio National. I also got a trio of bantam buckeye's while at the Ohio National and couldn't help myself so I put 5 bantam buckeye eggs in the bator. 4 are due on 12/12 and the other one is in with some other eggs and it is due 12/19. I will try not to hatch any more until spring.

I really want some more standard size pullets or hens. If anyone has 1 or 2 I would love to take them off your hands. I really want to get started on my breeding program this spring. I would also be interested in some hatching eggs. Just let me know.

Kathyinmo: you know you want some:D I am thinking about some Delewares as well. You all make them sound wonderful, my poor hubby, he thinks I'm crazy. But at least I got the kids to join me on the crazy train. They love all of our chickens just as much as I do. If they had a choice we would have some of everything.
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