Buckeye Breed Thread

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That's a cluing that your Am's were not homozygous for beards. It's common sadly. My first Ameraucana based OE's also turned out either partially bearded or clean-faced.

My Ams are all Cree Birds, there is your clue, that said, alot are turning up mottled.very strange & very beautiful.....I suspect Orloff i their ancestry.seriously !
Flightly & slight, but awesome beautiful.
New to this thread and breed.

Found a reference to the breed on a thread discussing the best homestead chicken for hard times.

Spent the last several days reading this thread and probably learned more about chickens than I have in the past year.

It is no stretch that the breed and the folks here on this thread had me at hello.

Welcome. There are a lot of good breeders of Buckeyes in N.C. These BYC breed threads get really long, including this one -- that is a lot to sift through.
I had the same dilemma, I want to feed my birds great raw meat but what do I feed them, everything is so expensive and the least expensive are the large roasts... SO... I spoke with our local butcher shop and asked him about buying some "scraps" for my chickens and dogs. His immediate reply was "how about some sawdust"? He then explained to me that they clean out the band saws after cutting steaks and chops they have a clump or two of finely cut meat left over, they would usually sell it to the local rendering plant. I offered to buy every ounce of it from him. He'll fill up a 5 gallon bucket for about $10. The chickens devour it, I mean literally jump off the roost love it. I feed them 10 - 20 lbs of it

I wanted to thank you once again for this idea. I spoke with the butcher at our little grocery store, he jumped at the chance to give me the meat. Today I took him a new 5 gallon bucket w/ lid to store scraps in. I'll pick up the bucket and leave another next week. Even though I offered twice to buy the scraps, he said I could have them for free. My birds are going to be very happy.

to the other Dave - Welcome to the thread and Buckeyes.
I wanted to thank you once again for this idea. I spoke with the butcher at our little grocery store, he jumped at the chance to give me the meat. Today I took him a new 5 gallon bucket w/ lid to store scraps in. I'll pick up the bucket and leave another next week. Even though I offered twice to buy the scraps, he said I could have them for free. My birds are going to be very happy.

to the other Dave - Welcome to the thread and Buckeyes.


Buy several buckets, ask for anything that he has, honestly chickens will pick at bones for days, and when the bones get maggoty the chickens love them even more!!!!

I found a local guy that butchers deer, beef and pork on the side, he too offered to fill up buckets for free, I told him if it makes you feel better "I'll give you $5 a bucket just to make it worth your while to call me!!!". Organs, lungs, all kinds of bones, literally everything he scraps with the exception of intestines goes to my dogs and chickens. You haven't seen a dog happy until he starts gnawing on a lung. They love, love, love it.

and hey Dave, welcome to BYC!!!
Just came back from APPBA (is that right, I always forget xD) poultry show; it was the first chicken 'show' I have ever went to, even though no birds were showed, I learned a lot. I searched around for Buckeyes, found about three pairs of Buckeye bantams for sale, wasn't sure about them.
For the exhibition, which was rather pitiful, I found only one Buckeye pullet. And she was right next to the RIR's; is that how they're classified? With the RIR's? Buckeyes are nothing like RIR's. I was a disappointed in not finding as much Buckeye's as I had hoped; I guess not many people around here breed them. That's kinda sad. :/
Just came back from APPBA (is that right, I always forget xD) poultry show; it was the first chicken 'show' I have ever went to, even though no birds were showed, I learned a lot. I searched around for Buckeyes, found about three pairs of Buckeye bantams for sale, wasn't sure about them.
For the exhibition, which was rather pitiful, I found only one Buckeye pullet. And she was right next to the RIR's; is that how they're classified? With the RIR's? Buckeyes are nothing like RIR's. I was a disappointed in not finding as much Buckeye's as I had hoped; I guess not many people around here breed them. That's kinda sad. :/

Well, I'm not sure what the APPBA is supposed to be, or where the show was, so I can't answer that part of it! :) There is the APA and the ABA. Maybe it was a combined show? APA/ABA?

The birds are usually placed in alphabetical order withing their class, Which would be the American Class, so Buckeyes are not usually right next to the RIR unless there aren't any Chanteclers, Delawares, Dominiques, Hollands, Javas, Jersey Giants, Lamonas, New Hampshires, or Plymouth Rocks. Which is entirely possible in a small show. In which case, if there were none of those, I guess even one buckeye pullet was a good showing! The only others in the class are the Rhode Island Whites and the Wyandottes.

You're right, it is kind of sad, so get out there and get busy!
Welcome. There are a lot of good breeders of Buckeyes in N.C. These BYC breed threads get really long, including this one -- that is a lot to sift through.

Found some breeders that are happily within reasonable driving distance. The ALBC office is about an hour from me, the things you learn. Going to start with closest first.

Thanks for the welcomes.
Found some breeders that are happily within reasonable driving distance. The ALBC office is about an hour from me, the things you learn. Going to start with closest first.

Thanks for the welcomes.
Dude, definitely pick up some ALBC birds if you are able, they really have done a great job with them. I'd also recommend Chris McCary (cgmccary) from Alabama, he had developed the ALBC line into some real barn burning show winners.
Dude, definitely pick up some ALBC birds if you are able, they really have done a great job with them. I'd also recommend Chris McCary (cgmccary) from Alabama, he had developed the ALBC line into some real barn burning show winners.

Went back into the thread and read a post by Chris in 2010 discussing the ALBC. Man!!! Buckeye nirvana!!!!

ETA: Good to know thanks, Dave.
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