Budgie Eggs!

Soooooo, I have new budgies eggs! 3 as per now. I'll give pics tomorrow I think. I also bought a new purple cinnamon male bird!! I named him "Pudina" which means Mint in Bengali. I chose pudina because the mint plants here have purple flowers! I'll also give pics of him soon. It feels better to be here again!
Yes, pics, please! Oh, I so want budgies! Not sure it would work though, since I have cats. I have had cats and budgies before though. One cat used to nap on top of the very large cage that had 3 birds, and one of the birds would hang upside down and pluck her fur. They seemed to get along peacefully.
Sorry for being so late! I had some family issues and now that things are looking better, here is pudina!! He's the child sitting on the triangle toy thingy. Every bird hates that toy but he loves it. As you can see, nothing remains of the toy anymore. He chewed it all off
Hopefully the news is that your birds have better living conditions, as in large flight cages with natural substrates and perching instead of tiny barren wire boxes.
Is this supposed to be a charged reply? Sorry if I'm taking this the wrong way, but I'm always trying to get better with my birds? Living in a third world country and my parents not being filthy rich, it's not possible for me to buy costly things for my birds. Flight cages here cost more than my school tuition fees. So I always try to help DIY cages? I made Pudina's cage myself with some wood and wires because big cages are costly in the pet shops. I go out to walk everyday at night with my sister, and if I find a good lookinh branch on the ground safe for birds, I pick it up and give them to my birds to perch? They literally only ever stay in the wired cages when they're breeding because I don't like colony breeding?? I know there are a gazillion things I can improve, but like??? I'm still young and I don't earn myself?? I'm literally just sharing these pics because some people here are my friends and want updates at times, if it wasn't for them, I would stop opening BYC completely?? I don't even own chickens anymore?? It's so frustrating when people come telling me what to do then demeaning me for it like I don't know?? I know exactly where to improve but sorry my dad is living in a third world country and isn't rich I guess??

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