Budgie's are Laying (Need Help)

Take a good look see if they are eating it, if they are they are lacking protein JUST A GUESS, :)
Or the egg shell is thin that's lack of calcium cuddlebone or mineral block for birds
or they are young birds that learning about how to sit on them, I am just guessing
read up on protein, for birds, they can O.D. on to much, or like my friend she lost all of her females cockateils it took years but the liver was inlarge to much protein, but they need the right amount for more infor that's for parrots go to
they have the best infor for parrots.
If she is still laying eggs on the floor she may be just in egg laying mode. I would expect a serious breeding pair to use the most secluded site to nest in (doesn't ALWAYS happen, but usually). She is probably just walking on the eggs by accident.

Cockatoos - Cockie
The 2 most commonly spoken lines by talking Australian cockatoos "Polly want a cracker" and "Hello Cockie"
First you will never get a fertile egg as both of them are females. A sky blue normal and a recessive pied. Second I heard once an egg eater always an egg eater. But it could be a calcium deficency.Ive never had egg eaters. If you want to breed them get two males with blue ceres.
Weirors is that a nick name for cockateils, thats neat, lol but why do downunder use weirors? Ummm instead of cockateils, please don't take this wrong,very interested,.
have seen wild cockateils,? And cockatoos? You are so lucky if you seen them in the wild.
always wanted to visit downunder, lol SNAKES AND SPIDERS UMMM, SCARY LOL
what is the short word for cockatoos or nick name?
I don't know why we call them weiros - but I am sure there is a reason - just have known them as weiros for as long as I can remember. And yes I have seen all of the above in the wild including thousands of budgies. I have worked for many years in the Pilbara where these species are abundant. My mum and I watched a pair of pink and grey galahs "build" their nest this year. - They do line their nests. It was so funny - they grab a "twig" (which was more like branch size compared to the birds) and try dragging it into whatever hollow tree they have decided to nest in. Sometimes they are sucessful but more often not, so they end up with this area of the ground covered with twigs that they have dropped. Interestingly they only used green twigs with the leaves still attached (I didn't know that!).
I checked their things above the nostrils one is blue and one is pinkish. So male and female, she broke 3 more.

Then layed one in one nest box and started to sit in the other nest box. Food is 11% protein, i have a cuttlebone.
I checked their things above the nostrils one is blue and one is pinkish. So male and female, she broke 3 more. 

Then layed one in one nest box and started to sit in the other nest box. Food is 11% protein, i have a cuttlebone.

If her cere is whitish tan/pinkish shes probably out of condition is why shes breaking them.
Ya, so she flew out and i never got to see anything because it happened so fast...

I'll explain.

I was feeding my quails boiled egg and egg shell, when i noticed the male budgie staring at me
, (female was in box), so i put some egg shell and boiled egg and he hesitantly came to the food and ate, and was like 'YUM!'
. So the female was like 'What ya doing?' and came out. The male was like 'MY PRECIOUS!' and he didn't let her eat. So she got angry and flew at him and they locked their feet together and their chests were touching and thy rolled all over the floor and flew and hit lots of stuff (they didn't fly high, just hit heads on nest box), are they mating or like epic fighting?

Anyway, female made a screeching sound and flew into nest box ( I have 2) and she's like whoops wrong box, and flew to the other one. The male was about to follow her, so i shooed him away and took him out for a fly (
) .

The floor of cage is bars, and they were rolling on it, would this hurt em?
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When budgies mate the male sits on the back of the female and he rubs his vent against the females vent (bottom to bottom).

so I would go with epic fighting :)
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