Buff Brahma

I have had them for 2 nights now and have been too worried to leave the Cochin out of her "jail" (plenty of room). I did find the Brahma sleeping on the ground next to the meanies cage......I just don't trust her. Maybe I will let her out just before dark and see how it goes. Today the Brahma was minding her own business being submissive and everything under a branch in the pen and I had let the Cochin out. She jumped on the branch above her and pecked at her!!!
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Do they cuddle at night together? If yes, they will be fine. If no, she needs a gentler companion. My brahmas are huge snugglers,they love to cuddle.maybe another brahma.

well guess what?! I left them in the garden together all afternoon and they did well except for a couple pecks. Then I put the Cochin back in her crate and the Brahma girl in the pen where the crate is. I just now went to check on them and the Cochin was sticking her little head out of the crate to snuggle on the Brahma. Needless to say I let her out and let the 2 of them together to see how they did. A couple minutes ago after a few pecks and squawks they were nestling together in the corner of the pen and were making happy cricket like sounds. So I guess this means they are adjusting to each other well? They were so sweet I wanted to cry.
well guess what?! I left them in the garden together all afternoon and they did well except for a couple pecks. Then I put the Cochin back in her crate and the Brahma girl in the pen where the crate is. I just now went to check on them and the Cochin was sticking her little head out of the crate to snuggle on the Brahma. Needless to say I let her out and let the 2 of them together to see how they did. A couple minutes ago after a few pecks and squawks they were nestling together in the corner of the pen and were  making happy cricket like sounds. So I guess this means they are adjusting to each other well? They were so sweet I wanted to cry.:hit

Glad to hear
I have Buff Bahamas, both male and female. My rooster just turned 5 months old and just this week started to crow.
I have Buff Bahamas, both male and female. My rooster just turned 5 months old and just this week started to crow.
I have Buff Bahamas, both male and female. My rooster just turned 5 months old and just this week started to crow.

Brahmas are very late maturing. Most of boys are just starting at 6 months. They are now getting their diamond saddle feathers. My girls will probably not begin laying until after winter.
My Light Brahma is one and half yrs now and is a fairly good layer of large eggs, but she has never gone broody. Whereas my Wyandotte has gone broody twice during that time and when she's not broody lays consistent small tan eggs.
My Light Brahma is one and half yrs now and is a fairly good layer of large eggs, but she has never gone broody. Whereas my Wyandotte has gone broody twice during that time and when she's not broody lays consistent small tan eggs.

LF Brahmas are not known too go broody as often as their bantam counterparts who almost every single one is guaranteed to go broody around may. Also, there is a difference between hatchery birds and heritage birds. LF heritage brahmas are huge making it difficult to sometimes brood their eggs without damage. My bantams are consistent layers when not broody about 4-5 eggs a week.
LF Brahmas are not known too go broody as often as their bantam counterparts who almost every single one is guaranteed to go broody around may. Also, there is a difference between hatchery birds and heritage birds. LF heritage brahmas are huge making it difficult to sometimes brood their eggs without damage. My bantams are consistent layers when not broody about 4-5 eggs a week.

Is there a comparison chart, or something like that, for hatchery Brahmas vs heritage? My Buff Brahmas are 7.5 months old and much bigger than all our other birds. The hens are as big as our Buff Orpington rooster, and the BB roos tower over all. 3 of the hens are broody right now.
I don't know if there is a chart, but from the pictures and seeing my friends hatchery brahmas vs seeing those at shows which are as big as show Orpingtons there is a big difference in size. Hatchery breed for quantity not quality so some of the brahma body type is lost.

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