Buff Brahma


7 Years
Jul 17, 2012
Brahma's are known to be a slow to mature breed... How much longer than normal are we talking??? We got a buff brahma rooster (supposedly a large friendly bird.. hopefully) and 2 femal barred rock... They were 2 months old on the 25th and the barred rocks are just starting to pull away in size and feather... Duke is getting bigger by all means and his colors are starting to fill out, just clearly a step behind the others... We knew this going in, and we arent concerned because we figure by next spring/summer when they are doing heavier free range he should be pretty good size... Im just curious how long before he pubertys up and starts crowing... I love when my rooster crows, its wonderful... Irritates the hell out of me when my dads rooster crows across the street or my brothers down the road though lol
I have a Buff Brahma pullet that is nearly the exact same age. I'll have to snap a picture of her this weekend.
Absolutely... The more i check light and dark brahma are everywhere... Pictures of the buff are not common at all, the more the better :)
Funny!! I dont know about crowing, as far as laying.... mine are laying the same as the rest of the LF, but my LF took almost 6 months!! BRATS!

Here is my standard buff brahma Fury

My buff brahma bantam Trouble

I love brahma, they are wonderful. I have 2 dark brahma chicks that are 2 months so still growing and a buff brahma/cochin hen who is super cute and 9 little brahma mix chicks. I love the featherd feet birds. My bantam brahma is the only brahma laying right now but she is 7 months old she was the first out of her age group to lay and I have EE's in her age group. The other brahma is 6 months old and should be laying soon.
Hi all,

I got this lady yesterday. Ethel was called a Buff Brahma, but after some discussion some of us think she may really be a Light Brahma/Buff Brahma Bantam mix. Her buff color is on the light side compared to pics of other Buffs and she is large, but not as large as a full size Brahma. Going to weigh her as soon as I can get a scale.

No matter what she is, she is a sweet, gentle girl and I just fell in love with her. Fella that sold her to me said she just started laying, so the guess is she is about 6 months old. I think some of her feathers look like young or immature feathers. I am new to chickens so am only guessing.

Ethel is beautiful and I like how she carries herself. This is my Cockerel named Spunky. He is an alert and active chicken and it is a joy watching him watch over the hens.

This is Duke and a couple of his girls.. Well, formerly.. He was take by a predator last fall.

He is survived by 2 chicks hatched from him. An olive egger and a roo that looks identicle, with the addition of a beard. Also has a grandchick, as we have a chick hatched from said olive egger. Hope its female or it goes in the freezer

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