Buff-Laced Bantam Polish Eggs, frizzle & smooth, 8+

Gorgeoug birds! They do look like little pinecones
This is soooo tempting!
Your buff laced frizzle girls are spectacular! And I must add, the professional quality portrait photography is not hurting your auction!
Awesome pics! I can't wait until Suzie Belle is a little older so she and Stanley can make me some of those fluffy pinecone chickens, ha ha. Right now he has half a dozen Polish ladies to court, but all he's interested in is romancing my cochin girls, especially the white ones.
Go figure.
Hi all! Thanks for the kind comments on my birds and photos.
And, for the bids, too, of course.
I have to admit MomMommyMamma, the your son is right ... they DO look like pinecones in some of those pics!

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