Buff Laced Wyandottes

i think what chicken you are calling buff laced is called golden laced wyandottes. not for sure exactly how to make them but you can buy them from hatcheries. cornishman.
Naw, she is talkin about Buff Laced. They have them on Feathersite. Or atleast I think she is.
you got it- Buff Laced as shown on Feathersite. I already have SL & GL Wyandottes. Gotta get some Buffs! Oh & some BLR too!!
Buff Laced Wyandottes as you have seen them from the pics in UK and Europe do not exist here in the US. The only thing I know of that is anywhere close to that color is White Laced Red Wyandottes and those are only in bantams. Gorgeous birds though. To get true buff laced you would have to make some serious out crosses I would think to get the buff lacing. Only breed I can think of in standards that is buff laced is Polish and that would be a booger getting type and color back to any type of wyandotte looking bird. Only other way might be to make a multiple cross with White, Buff, Silver Laced and GL wyandottes in the hope that you might get something that was still buff but had some form of lacing with it. But that would be a serious undertaking in my opinion. Any takers? haha

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