Buff Orpington chicks. White feathers?


In the Brooder
Sep 16, 2015
Northern California
I have some 10-day old Buff Orpington chicks I ordered from Townline and I have become concerned after looking at some pictures online. Is it normal for their wing feathers to come in white?



Received my new chicks and was able to place the meaties yesterday. I can't believe the food and bedding I went through in less than 3 weeks just trying to keep those bottomless pits fed and smelling okay.
Ive had some odd colored feathers starting out. My marans had white as chicks. Don't get worried about these feathers being the final colors. It can all change. By their first fall molt you will know for sure (fall 2016). I usually get a good idea by 5-6 months how they're going to look but i have had a few breeds surprise me. I don't cull or sell until I'm sure the trait is staying.
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I'm sorry, but i think you've been scammed, these are broilers(cornish cross) chicks, these are meat birds that will be 12 pounds by 8 weeks. And if I'm wrong at least they are NOT buff orpingtons... Sorry!
Oh no!!! I have been feeding these chick starter and I'm absolutely not prepared to process anything. Has anyone had this experience with Townline?

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