Buff Orpington genders? Update with behavior on page 3


10 Years
May 6, 2009
OK, I'm pretty sure one is a male and the other is a female... But I'd like to know what others opinions are

Victim #1... my "female" Butter. (miss curious... yes she has paint on her head...
she gets into EVERYTHING!)


Victim #2... my "male" Big Bird...
The most affectionate calm bird who is a big big baby.


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they are both 7 weeks old....

seriously though? are you sure the second one isn't a male? the wattles are much larger and redder than the other one...
For right now, I would say they could both be pullets. There isn't soo huge a difference in comb/wattle development(at least not showing so much on the pictures). BUT - for 7 weeks I am thinking they are both pretty red already(meaning possible roos). I am new to owning this breed just this year, but I have BO's ranging from about 8 or 9 weeks to nearly 4 months and I am fairly certain my younger set are not as pink/red as your two(especially near the wattles). My oldest have just now turned red and they are closing in on laying age, which would be appropriate. So, while they could both be pullets, they could also both be roos. Ok, I know that seems a little funny - but I guess what I mean to say is that it is hard to tell right now, and I am leaning toward pullet, but I also am being tugged toward roos.
HA! well then! I have no idea either.. I DID order pullets though... and I know it isn't 100%, but what would be the chances that they both end up being roo!? ya know? THey just CANT both be roos. My heart would break.

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