Buff Orpington genders? Update with behavior on page 3

Two little girls, if one was a roo you'd know it by now.
Thats what I heard as well... thats why I thought roo...

BTW, if this helps any... the 2nd one started getting pink at 2weeks old... people back then predicted roo.
I think they are both pullets. I have 11 buff orpingtons that were hatched on April 25, so they would be 2 months old, and we have 5 that have been definitely looking like roosters for some time now. They have much larger combs and there's at least one that has started crowing this past week. Yours look more like my pullets.
Mine were hatched around May6th or 7th... I picked them up at the store on May 8th...

do you have pictures of your roos that are this age?

as for the crowing, my neighbors chicks just started crowing last week and hers are 3 weeks older than mine are... I figure I would have time yet before I hear crowing!
NOT at 7 weeks.

I think they are both pullets. Some BO girls have bigger waddles and combs. I have two that have big combs that actually flop over (and yes they are pure BO).
I would wait for awhile yet. I still think 12-14 weeks is a better time to be able to tell on a BO.
good luck
so now what do I do if they both end up being female? LOL! I ended up getting 2 replacement chicks because when the first 2 were a couple of weeks old I posted pictures and they said, 1 roo... so I got 2 more chicks because I want to have 2 hens...
Out of the 2 new ones, I think one is a rooster though. this one stands SO tall and way far back on his legs and is feathering out so slowly. so I figured I'd end up with one more female.... I have a 4x4 coop, is there a way to make it work with 5 hens if the original 2 do indeed end up being both female? I would like to keep the younger female as well... she's really really sweet. a big baby.

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