Buffalo's like chicken food too.


11 Years
Apr 9, 2008
LaGrange County
These are in my backyard. Atleast for a few more weeks. I am standing at the corner of my chicken coop and taking this picture. I have worked hard for them to trust me and come this close. I can hand feed a couple of them corn on the ear but thought why not try mash.

If you can see the fence it has 9,000 volts going thru it. But if they wanted to get me I don't think it would stop them. I always remember they are wild and make sure I have an escape route planned out.lol


another view

If you look real hard you can see the babies they just had.

OooooEEEeeee! That one big old boy looks like he's got an eyebrow raised at you..."gimme the mash and nobody gets hurt".

Yeah, I sure hope you have an escape route!
Thats awesome! Doesn't look like the bull is in that herd is he? You would know for sure it he was there lol.
We used to have a HUGE herd down the road. But they got rid of them and replaced them with goats, More deer, and llamas.
Once we were hand feeding a calf and a mom charged at us, thank goodness for a sturdy fence
That is a girl everyone the bulls are about twice the size. I would have thought bull too . All the ones behind us are prego. No bulls they are across the street. She is about 1200 pounds now with calf but the bulls run up to 2000 pounds.

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