Bugs & Problems With The New Platform

Ya, we've seen that before in the comments section. The techs are trying to find a solution. Usually a refresh of the page will show the comments and/or comments field. If not, you may want to leave the page, delete your cache, and try the page again.
Just noticed an issue this morning and don't know if it is BYC or me.

When I click on a topic and open a new tab to read it, the new tab opens and I am not logged in. I am still logged in to the original screen, but not the nwe one.......
Pips, that sounds like a browser error- something changed your browser settings,

FireFox - Under 'Tools' then 'Options' then 'tabs' uncheck 'open in new tab' and 'When I open a new tab switch to it immediately'

IE- The little gear in the far right, 'internet options' on the first tab the button 'tab settings' and uncheck "Always switch to new tabs"

Also clean out your cache on whatever browser you are using.

(Safari, and Chrome if needed)
Here are a few questions that will help us find, duplicate, and hopefully resolve the problem:

• What is the URL of the page that you got the error or had problems?
• Did you receive any error messages? if yes, what were they? (please copy and paste the entire message, screenshots are best)
• What were the exact steps you took before having the problem? Please be as specific as possible so we can do exactly what you did.
• How long has it been happening? If only one time, what day and time did it happen?
• Which browser and version are you using (eg., Firefox 3.5.9, Internet Explorer 7, etc.)
• Have you logged out, deleted your internet cache / browser history of files, logged back in, and tried again?
• Have you tried a different browser (we suggest Firefox or Chrome)?
I've noticed lately that the 'go to first unread post' link doesn't work on threads that have a large number of posts. Seems to work OK on threads with smaller post volume (under 1K). A good example is the Kansas Consolidated thread. Ever since it has passed 20K posts the '# unread post' link redirects to just the last page. At least it's doing this for me. Have crossed checked multiple browsers as well & still seeing the same thing. Not sure this script is handling thread indexing right; may just be a code limitation. Thought you'd like to know anyway.

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