Building a coop...... What were we thinking?????

We started a major remodel of the house at the same time as our coop. And you ask what your were thinking?

Good luck. It will all be worth it.

Thanks for the reassurance. You really took on a lot, with a house remodel???? What were you thinking???? Honestly, I hope that all works out for you with both
projects. Been there, done that. I look at life as an ADVENTURE, so each and everything I do while I'm living my life is a blessing. The more, the merrier. So
who is crazy? Not me, just ask.
Okay. Here we are, into week 8 tomorrow. We began this project on April 22nd and tomorrow will be the 8 week mark. Hooray!!! We nearly can't stand one another any longer when working on the coop/run. Thank God it is finished (except for some trim on the hardware cloth) and my husband says he doesn't need me to help on this. I am not unhappy. Our little ones are inside the coop and digging their extra space after being raised in a card board box brooder! The weather is heating up and it was 99 degrees today. We made a temporary screen door on the back to let in extra ventilation. I will post pictures of the project soon. We are both burned out right now, but love our little flock and enjoy the fact that they are getting used to us and come when we open up the door. I know, food is the secret and I give them organic rolled oats and dried worms!
Whatever it takes, I love animals. Also, thank God for our neighbor Mick. He came to help put on the roofing shingles and also to staple the hardware cloth all around the run. He said he enjoyed the "quality time" with us, but he has no idea how much we appreciated his help. (perhaps he does) All in all, it has been one heck of an experience
and I truly believe that all things happen for a reason. We Become stronger when we are tested and we appreciate more through our accomplishments.
I will get off of the soap box and let someone else have a turn. Thanks.
Congratulations...I think it took me about 2 months to finish my Coop & Run project as well. I started my project on about April 6th.

I have been recovering from emergency surgery from last fall. I was told that the recovery would be a crazy long time; maybe a year or more. I just had no idea what my limitations had become. I just don't have it anymore...

Thank GAWD my dad came over often to help me out. I don't think that I could have finished the project without his help. My wife had reached her wits end wanting this project completed....

Yeah, I can relate. Glad it's over for you and that you can see the light at the end of the tunnel.
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Wow, emergency surgery. That's too much. I fell and broke my ankle in December and had emergency surgery, as well. Glad that all is working out for you and that you were able to get help
on your project. I guess we were destined to be "chicken farmers".........
I had abdominal pains for maybe 2 years and my personal care doctor would prescribe pain killers and antibiotics when I came in....from his demeanor, I figured that is what you do for this type of thing.

I was pretty sick again and my wife took me to Urgent Care...I wanted to go to my doctor. I hurt bad...she won the arguement.

Turns out I had a Chronic Acute Apendicytis for two surgen said that it had ruptured at least twice and had fused to the large and small intestine....and they found gangreen. So 8 hours of surgury and a bowel resection later...I was still alive.

If my wife had not taken me in when she did???...I had maybe 5 more hours before nothing could have been done.

This last year has been amazing to say the least.
Pretty smart woman..your wife! Antibiotics for 2 years....not sure I would have much faith in that doctor now. Glad you are doing well.
Our Gobble and Strut Inn was the first building project Scott and I had ever done together. We laughed a lot at the mistakes and having to do stuff over. We had fun doing it =)

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