Building a Quail Hutch **UPDATE** Finished! Photo-Heavy

Looks good!
Looks great!! I am on Day 13 of incubating Coturnix... I'm also not very far from you guys , I'm in Auburn. Who did you get your eggs from? I got mine from Tori in AK. Maybe if we have different sources we can trade a few chicks to get some different colors/bloodlines.

Love your coop! The only thing I wonder about is the heat in the summer... I'm new to quail
too , I wonder how they will do in our 100 degree dry summers.. You may want to shade the coop some as the bricks underneath will radiate the heat also. It looks awesome though!


I'd be honored to have my post linked on the coturnix quail post!
I felt a lot of pressure to make it look really nice since all our neighbors can see into our yard
. There's a willow tree sapling next to it, but I'm 99.9% sure we're pulling that out and putting a fruit tree there.

animalgirl - going by the guideline of 1 sq ft/bird, it should fit 24 birds. It's 2 ft deep by 6 ft wide.

Can't wait for quails! It's frequent topic of conversation in our household nowadays.
Ooh, that would be fun! I got my eggs off of ebay. Someone on the east coast. I got brown jumbo coturnix. The seller had good feedback, and claims of good hatch rates from their eggs, so I thought "why not?"

I'm worried about the heat in the summer too. We're putting a tree next to it (there's a willow sapling there right now, but we're going to take it out), but it'll be a couple years before it provides enough shade. If worse comes to worst, we can move it to the garage for a few days.
You guys did an awsome job congrads!
Great job on the pics too. Got to show these to my DH and see what he thinks about building one ourselfs.
You have done a terrific job on this cage. It really looks clean and neat and will fit into a subdivision senario well. I believe I am going to attempt to use a similar plan since it looks so nice. The hardware cloth will be a safe wiring solution for outdoors.

I would modify the cage for my needs in only a couple of ways. One would be to slope the cage floors so the eggs roll to the front. Reaching in to collect eggs is sometimes hard since the birds seem to want to lay them in the far corners. The other thing that would be nice is to build the unit 8 ft wide and have 4 individual cages per level. Then you could keep breeders of different types/colors in each cage. This would allow about 40+ birds for the unit if you keep 5 or 6 birds in each unit.

Wish I had your creative skills. My simple cage building skills leave a lot to be desired!

Please keep us up-to-date with what you use for your poop trays and how well they work.
I'd be honored to have my post linked on the coturnix quail post!
I felt a lot of pressure to make it look really nice since all our neighbors can see into our yard
. There's a willow tree sapling next to it, but I'm 99.9% sure we're pulling that out and putting a fruit tree there.

animalgirl - going by the guideline of 1 sq ft/bird, it should fit 24 birds. It's 2 ft deep by 6 ft wide.

Can't wait for quails! It's frequent topic of conversation in our household nowadays.

I just saw this now lol! I wil be adding your liink in a sec
Thanks for sharing the pics, Andrea! That's a really pretty hutch... I'm planning mine out at the moment and I would really appreciate it if you could tell me what you use for the poop tray. Thanks in advance.

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