Building away - adventures in a way too big chicken tractor


In the Brooder
Mar 28, 2020
Springfield MO
We've been kicking around getting chickens for about 10 years and this spring was finally the year it happened. When we first considered getting them I bought the Garden Ark plans, but when we finally decided to get chicks we realized we needed a bigger coop. Our city limits urban chickens to six hens, to prevent chicken math we just decided to max out from day one.

I did a lot of research about different coop plans and ways to keep the chickens safe - not only from wild predators, but from our dog and other neighborhood animals. I love the look of the garden coop designs, also seriously investigated Justin Rhodes chickshaw (with an attachable run). In all the research we couldn't quite find something that fit well with the six chicks living in a brooder, our combined coop/run/tractor desires, and fitting the mid-century modern architecture of the house.

A bunch of sketches, a few restarts, and some I guess let's see what happens has us to this point. I figured I may as well chronicle this thing, get answers to a few questions, and see if there's any advice that can impact where things are headed. I realize I probably should have posted this sooner to get better feedback, but that's the way things go.

I've made a few minor adjustments along the way (for example doing a solid floor vs roosts over 1" hardware cloth ala chickshaw). The basic plan is a 12' long, 6' wide, and 4' tall with a 6x4 coop over the back half of the tractor - to keep measuring and cuts simple the horizontal cross braces are 6' and the uprights are 4' (remaining from a 10' 2x4). Most of the coop will be painted, but I'm using cedar fence pickets for the coop siding - partially because I like the look and partially because I was able to get them cheap. The sides and top will be covered with 1/2" hardware cloth. The base is 2x4" welded wire. We'll be moving the tractor around the yard and I'd originally planned to leave it open, but I felt the 2x4" wire was a good safety balance. The coop will have a locked pop door and is covered in wood or hardware cloth everywhere. I'm planning to do the roof with an elastomeric coating raised up on both rafters and purlins to provide ventilation (going to paint the coop floor with this too for easy cleaning).

Here is a progression of sketches, I never drew up a full set of plans, but had a pretty good handle on where things were going. My initial plan was to do two pieces - a mobile coop and a run that could be attached to each other, but I opted for simplicity.


My 10 year old helped building the top and bottom frames and my wife was a good sport helping to get the basic frame assembled.



After getting started I decided to add in a small human sized door at the front of the tractor.

Both kids (10 and 6) helped prime the thing and do the primary cream paint. At that point I decided to add a roost into the center of the run. You can see the hound who is very curious about the brooder in this picture 😂


The top blue paint went on yesterday and now I'm into roof planning (something I probably didn't think through enough). The back wall of the coop will have siding top to bottom but be hinged to open the coop side completely. The currently open, short side will have a door for two nesting boxes and have hardware cloth on the bottom side. There's almost 2' of chicken head room under the coop and 32" from the coop floor to the top of the blue pieces.


This is where I've run into my first real questions. My plan is to tack 1/2" hardware cloth across the entire top of the coop/run. As I framed in a roof test to do some measurements It dawned on me that it's totally possible for something to get under the rafters. There would still be a solid barrier of hardware cloth between any chicken attackers and the birds, but I'm wondering if that will be sufficient.

I'm also a little concerned about ventilation. The overall height of the coop makes windows tricky given winter cold and drafts over roosts. Measured all out there is about 5 sqft of vent opening around all four sides of the roof - assuming the entire top stays open under the roof surface, just enclosed by the hardware cloth/rafters/deck.

What say you BYC experts?
  • Should I worry about something getting under the roof, but above the hardware cloth? What suggestions would you have?
  • Do I need to plan more ventilation somewhere? If so, where could I put it given I'm planning two freestanding 15" roosts (leaving 17" above roost height for the roof opening.
  • What other advice would you have?
We got all of the coop finished! The roof is attached, hinged trim to block blowing rain is in place, and a hatch got added to the window over the door.


Right now there’s a small roost in the coop, a bin of sand for dust bathing, a 5 gallon nipple waterer, and six chickens. Eventually the dust bath and water will move outside but while the chicks are learning the coop they’ve got all the amenities.
Also figured I should share the chicks as they grow. They all hatched around 3/23/20 and are now almost two weeks old. These pictures are about a week old but they're growing well, getting more feathers, and enjoyed a chance on a really warm day to scratch around in the dirt and fight over a worm for about 15 minutes.


Two golden comets, two sapphire gems, two easter eggers.
Yesterday got the ability to open and close the coop door, a set of pvc feeders, and the ramp to the coop in place. Also put a third coat of roof sealer on the roof. All that’s left is mounting the roof probably on Saturday mornin


In a chicken update they’re doing great with no heat and just the top of the tub mostly closed off (wood on top of the hardware cloth). The bunch up at night nicely.

If you cover every opening 1/2" or larger in roof area with hardware cloth, that should be sufficient.

Since the entire unit is going to be roofed (correct me if I'm wrong on that) for additional ventilation you can open up quite a lot of the coop on the side that faces into the run. The roof should provide the weather protection you need to allow for that. If there's concerns about "what if a bad storm comes along?" then make an awning style cover to fit over any openings in that area and close it up most of the way during bad weather, then open back up once it passes.
So even if something gets under the roof, because the top of the coop is all 1/2" hardware cloth it should be fine?

My concern isn't necessarily storms, although we do get some nice, windy rain throughout the year. I'm more concerned about an open wall and winter wind. Is that less of a concern when there's not moisture

Yes, the hardware cloth should be enough to protect up top.

Regarding the winter wind, that's why I suggested having an awning style cover over whatever open space you can leave on the inner wall. Top hinge it, and prop it open or use a chain overhead to hold it open during better weather, and close it most of the way during winter storms - it'll still let some air in but the cover should buffer direct wind blasts.
How tall do you think that board would need to be? Drop all the way below the opening? How does that impact ventilation?

It shouldn't impact ventilation since there's still a good sized gap between there and where the wall is, so air can flow up and in/out.

Not sure the measurements on the area in question, but maybe a board as wide as the one in front (under the higher part of the roof) should be a good size.

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