building paradise for the birds

Rest is always welcome, seems like you really gotta get it in while you can. I feel ya on picking everything up in advance. I like things to go easy the day of a big get together not run around last minute. With the shirts it seems like the word of the birdman is spreading. Keep it up. As for your birds, even with sub standard setbacks it doesn't seem like anything can truly hold you back at this point. Props to you sir. Onward and upward.
I haven't tried a hoop coop yet, but my favorite quick and cheap coop is a used dog kennel. You can find them in classifieds/online all the time for pretty cheap. Usually they are 10'x10 or 12'12' and all you need to do is wrap the lower half with predator proof wire of your choice(make a 1'-2' skirt for digging predators) cover the top with wire and a nice tarp and you're pretty much finished. I wrapped mine with some poly for wind proofing. Good for summer use but requires a few modifications for winter, the sturdy steel frames makes that easy though!
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I haven't tried a hoop coop yet, but my favorite quick and cheap coop is a used dog kennel. You can find them in classifieds/online all the time for pretty cheap. Usually they are 10'x10 or 12'12' and all you need to do is wrap the lower half with predator proof wire of your choice(make a 1'-2' skirt for digging predators) cover the top with wire and a nice tarp and you're pretty much finished. I wrapped mine with some poly for wind proofing. Good for summer use but requires a few modifications for winter, the sturdy steel frames makes that easy though!

thats what I use... I have 300 linear feet of them.

I even use the panels for the roof.

I did think about a dog kennel. I just started today one out of 2 x 4 and hardware cloth. Man, I hate that bites hard!
Coons, Rat's, Weasels, Coyotes, and other chicken killing critters hate it worse. I've had a big lab that playfully wanted to get to the chickens, and he just bounced off of that hardware cloth. Its worth every penny to seal your chickens up tight in that stuff. And as for cutting it, I would suggest getting some tin snips for that.
Ditto the tin snips.....I found it was easiest to lay it out flat on the garage floor..... knee pads, gloves and long sleeves.
Once you get really good at it, you'll be done :D
Def need to invest in the knee pads. I have been using large washers and screws to attach it and then those chicken wire staples...the ones you use a hammer for (Kinda like and electrical staple) to secure to wood. I am doing 2x4 for sturdiness bc my main issue is neighbor dogs. I am thinking I need another run of fencing on there also...maybe that open fence like 1x2.

It's much easier when my bf is around to hold the roll... can't spring back and bite me!

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