building paradise for the birds

@ Birdman,
I'm not sure you can rotate video. You would have to rotate each individual frame, which could be thousands, even in a short video. Maybe you should do some short test shots to see which way the phone needs to be held when taking video.
Easier if we just tilt our heads!
lol....funny post...tilt your heads...haha....i can shoot the video the same way and sometimes it turns out right and sometimes it turns out wrong....
You can totally rotate the video on youtube after you upload it. Just play around in the settings/editing section and you will find it. I do it all the time as my cam randomly rotates videos sometimes as well :)
cant find to rotate thing in you tube...anyone can help that would be great...have five videos....but all sideways..i would leave you guys with TNS...taco neck syndrome...
Okay so you need to be logged in first, then go to whichever video you want to rotate a though you are going to watch it. Then click the little magic wand beside the pencil icon underneath the video.

Then you can rotate the vid either way using these buttons

Hope that helps :)

edit: Don't forget to save after!
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well i went to watch them and they are all fixed somehow...weird...dont know what happened...but cool thanks...keep this in mind for the the gate up and working...thank god thats done...that was a heavy on to the hoop coops....acquired like 50 pheasants, and in the morning should have more pheasants and chickens hatching so eggsited...the peacock eggs were set MAY 17TH.....have to write this down on here so i have backup to of things going on good to have a save point...i have 70 pheasant eggs for gail the artwork lady for psyanky egg art...going to have a quail down dinner very soon...need to get rid of the males..and the aggressive ones...the garden is tilled up but still wet...tried to till again but still wet...hoping it will dry out soon....moved 30 chickens to the grow out pen...going to have some chicken tomorrow....fresh that is....moved some more sand...met up with a HUGE pheasant breeder...and wow i just stood there in amazement...well onto the pics and videos....



edited to add...i was at home depot getting supplies and came across this work would have so gotten it but i didnt have matching
also hatched ornamental cute
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ok not sure whats going on...however there is nothing by the reply to let me download any pics or movies so im going to cut and paste...
cinnamon golden
i take you into the birdmans area to get a closer look at how tame the birds are...and even get to watch a pheasant lay an egg
i was in with the red goldens and peacocks and two started to lay an egg...i got one on video laying an egg
so i couldnt get the peahen to move to show you guys the egg so i had to do a take after she was done laying it...
inside scoop on the quail pens from gqf and how they are doing

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