Bully Chick


9 Years
Nov 30, 2013
Hi all,

I have 4 new chick's and one is a bully. She's viciously pecking all 3 other chick's eyes.

I put her in another brooder with food and water and tried each other chick one at a time hoping she'd accept one and not be lonely. That didn't work.

At this point, I don't have a way to separate her in the same brooder where she'll see the others.

Will she out grow this or do I just need to rehome her?

Thanks in advance
Sometimes establishing the pecking order can seem more brutal to humans than it really is. Has she drawn blood from the other chicks? Or injured them in any way? My first batch of chicks had a similar dynamic to what you're describing. But they worked it out, the pecking order was established, and there was no blood involved.

You want to remove her if she's drawing blood. Otherwise they're ok to leave together. Pecking at each other is normal, even around the eyes.
Hi, thank you! I hope it subsides for me too!

I didn't let her draw blood. I removed her this afternoon. I saw her peck and drag another chick by the fluff around its eye.

It's getting darker outside now so I closed the shade, turned out the ceiling light leaving only the red heat lamp and put her back in. So far they are all sleeping.

She's a buff brahma and I really want to keep her. :)
This is a very common problem you're having. There is something you can do, and it has worked for everyone who has done it. You put the chick back with its mates and watch for the first sign it intends to peck another chick. Poke it on the back with your finger, just like a mother hen would poke it with her beak.

This is how adult chickens discipline chicks who are misbehaving. Do it each time you see the behavior, and it is remarkably fast and effective. The chick should stop this bad behavior in less than two days.

Read my article on this topic to learn exactly what you can do about it. It's the fourth link listed below this post.
This is a very common problem you're having. There is something you can do, and it has worked for everyone who has done it. You put the chick back with its mates and watch for the first sign it intends to peck another chick. Poke it on the back with your finger, just like a mother hen would poke it with her beak.

This is how adult chickens discipline chicks who are misbehaving. Do it each time you see the behavior, and it is remarkably fast and effective. The chick should stop this bad behavior in less than two days.

Read my article on this topic to learn exactly what you can do about it. It's the fourth link listed below this post.

I've got to try this method. Seems like I've got a bully, caught it pecking at the others (8) for no reason, so I did what I've heard of doing....Time out. Put it in a bin by it's self for about 10 minutes, boy it did not like that. Did quiet down so put it back with the rest & seems it may have worked.

I've got a mixed variety; Silkie (1), EE (1), Orpington (1), Marana (1), Wyandotte (2), "splash" ? (2) and "black" ? (1). They hatched Sept 6 - 8, so about a week old. The Bully is one of the "splash", not the biggest nor the smallest.

Will be interesting to see how it behaves tomorrow but I will definetly try "pecking" at it IF it bully again.
Ok, pecking didn't work but did freak everyone out. Time out worked for a bit but not "forever". I even tried the squirt bottle, it ended up pretty soaked, did take it's mind off pecking others as it ended up preening its self. But none worked long term, hence rehomed, I was thinking perhaps adding it to an older batch would help but I don't have one. I made the rehome aware of why I was rehoming, they were ok with it. Talked to the lady I got the chicks from, she says she has had this issue now and then, sticking the "bully" with an older batch helps.

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