Bumble foot in toe of chicken?


6 Years
Aug 18, 2017
Has anyone else experienced this? Any tips on how to treat? It looks like bumblefoot right at tip of toe. Hopefully you can see it in the photo....arrow pointing to it. Had a bumblefoot before in the pad of the foot and successfully treated but never saw one like this....


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looks like some sort of ingrown toenail. does the chicken show any signs of pain if you move the nail?
Well my friend did surgery on it and it was bumble foot. A picture is posted below (in another comment/post ) of the kernels she removed. First they soaked her foot in Epson Salt. They gloved up and wrapped her in a towel to keep her from moving. After a small incision on the side of the toe they removed puss and a couple kernels but could feel more they could not squeeze out and had to make a longer incision up the toe. After removing the remaining kernels they re-soaked her foot in antibacterial soap, put sprayed Vetracin on it and wrapped it with gauze and antibiotic ointment. They are worried she may lose her toe nail, but will need to wait and see. Hope this works.....poor thing!
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Has anyone else experienced this? Any tips on how to treat? It looks like bumblefoot right at tip of toe. Hopefully you can see it in the photo....arrow pointing to it. Had a bumblefoot before in the pad of the foot and successfully treated but never saw one like this....
Bumblefoot is just a backyard term for a staph infection in the foot. Staff infections can occur anywhere. See if that toenail is loose and ready to come out; if so, help it, so pus can drain. Clean it, drain it, keep it open to drain, and dress it so it doesn't get more bacteria in it. Repeat. Some application of bacitracin or Mupirocen ointment (or the old "black salve" (Icthamalol) might help. (spelling?)
nancy, it looks like your friend did a very thorough job. I'm glad you caught it. From the picture, to me it looked more like it had an injury around the toenail area that got infected, and I would have had you soak it in warm water with regular, or epsom salt, then apply triple antibiotic. Sometimes it's easy to tell what's going on from a picture or 3. Other times, it's just not that easy to tell from pictures.

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