Bumblefoot after new feed + ducks


In the Brooder
Jun 28, 2015
NE Illinois
A number of our hens suddenly are suffering from bumblefoot (some bad, some not so bad). We never had this problem before, and the only things that have changed are:

1) we added ducks to our flock about four months ago. The ducks are messy so there's a lot more water/mud around.
2) About two months ago we switched from organic feed to a good non-organic brand (trying to save some money)
3) After we discovered the bumblefoot, we removed all of the perches (which were square wooden rods) and replaced them with new clean round rods.

Can switching feed cause bumblefoot? Could it be the mud? Is there something else that I have not thought about?

Any insights appreciated.
I don't know if a change in feed would make bumble foot more likely. I had always read it was caused by injury - rock, thorn, etc. - to the bottom of the foot, into which bacteria entered, resulting in bumble foot. I read that just because a bird has such an injury doesn't necessarily mean bumble foot will be the end product. Some just get better on their own. That got me thinking about your new ducks....the way they make muddy messes makes me wonder that if that makes it a better breeding ground for bacteria which, on the muddy ground, also migrate more easily into a wound on the bottom of a chicken's foot? Seems plausible to me but I must admit I'm not sure. Hope someone chimes in with the answer!
A number of our hens suddenly are suffering from bumblefoot (some bad, some not so bad). We never had this problem before, and the only things that have changed are:

1) we added ducks to our flock about four months ago. The ducks are messy so there's a lot more water/mud around.
2) About two months ago we switched from organic feed to a good non-organic brand (trying to save some money)
3) After we discovered the bumblefoot, we removed all of the perches (which were square wooden rods) and replaced them with new clean round rods.

Can switching feed cause bumblefoot? Could it be the mud? Is there something else that I have not thought about?

Any insights appreciated.

Quote: I agree with @redsoxs

Most likely the wet muddy ground makes it easier for bacteria enter small cuts, injury to the feet resulting in bumblefoot (staph infection). Bumble foot is fairly common so even if their environment is completely dry and kept relatively clean, there's a good chance of a foot becoming infected.
(they are poop walkers

Not sure what the solution would be unless you kept the ducks separately or try to keep at least an area that is dry that the chickens can be on that would help to keep the feet dry. If all the area is wet and they roost with wet feet as well (nothing dries out) then this could create an ideal environment for the bacteria to take hold.

I don't think switching feed would cause it unless, the nutritional values are very different. Most commercial poultry feeds are nutritionally balanced. Look at your nutritional analysis and compare it to your previous feed. Protein content is usually most important (IMHO), then your vitamins, minerals, etc.

If the protein content isn't as high in your new feed you can supplement with egg, tuna, mackerel or meat. Also you can provide poultry vitamins in their water once a week for a boost.

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For what it's worth, paying attention to drainage can help. Our duck pen is on about a 2% slope, and the bottom edge has a shallow channel that leads to a raised garden bed downslope. We don't have an issue with mud. I have sand and smooth pea gravel under the swim pans, and with the slope, it stays pretty decent. We had a bit of bumblefoot the first couple of years with the flock, but since then, gosh, I think it's been 4 years without any.

We feed an organic non-corn, non-soy feed. And yes, it is pricier than standard feed. I agree with the suggestion to give vitamins regularly to help boost their immune system. You might even read up on some herbs, like oregano, that are being used to reduce the need for antibiotics in flocks.

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