Jan 31, 2019
one of my buff orps had poop on her, so i scooped her up to get her cleaned up and noticed her feet were full of mud so decided to clean her feet as well, when i turned her over to dry her feet i saw a black scab on the bottom of each of her feet.......what do i do now? my other buff just had red spots on her feet... IMG_5529.JPG IMG_5531.JPG IMG_5532.JPG IMG_5533.JPG its almost bedtime , is there something i should do in the morning????? they are both eating, drinking acting limping or signs of soreness...
im new to the chicken world....only have had chickens for 1 1/2 yrs.....ive sure been tested to the fullest...these little buffs started their first few weeks on corid...they had bloody stools...went on to have a barred rock break its leg and i nursed her back to a full recovery, then had a white plymouth rock get a tumor on her butt.....had a little silkie with a cross beak that i have been nursing for months now....and now my buffs have bumblefoot, have no clue how to do that surgery....think im about to call it quits, i love my girls, my husband wanted some silkie chickens, we started out with 2 , one got eaten by a raccoon and the other turned out to be a roos, so we go some more silkies and 2 frizzles, one was a hen the other a roos, all my silkies turned out to be roos, which now left me with 4 silkie roos and a frizzle county doesnt allow roos and i am having the worst time trying to rehome them.....needless to say im at the end of my rope...thanks for letting me vent
im going to soak the buffs feet tomorrow in epsom salt and found some hemroid cream that i will but on it, dont know what i will do after that.....
i clean the roosting coop EVERY MORNING,,when i am home i pick up poop 8-10 times a day in all the coops and the run......we had a very rainy summer here in florida and it was wet and muddy, since then got a load of drain field sand and put that in the did have some small shells in it which may have cut their feet...but it sure did dry up the not sure what to do anymore
:hugsDeep breath,You are overwhelmed and frustrated. Thats ok,Lots of us have been their! Bumblefoot is curable. My old roo has it all the time! I soak, clean, pull scab off,antibiotic and bandage.For my bandages I use gauze, vet wrap and paper medical tape. You have been hit with alot,but your getting through it! Would love:love to have one of you silkie roos!I'm to far away:hit

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