Bumblefoot Year 2 - Update and Advice Needed!


Mar 18, 2017
Has anybody else have this happen to them? I had four chickens for 2 years without a SINGLE case of bumblefoot. All four of them were older girls (I got them older as a new chicken owner) and 3/4 passed away over the last year or so. Then, last year, I added 2 girls into the flock - so basically right now I have 3 grown girls. Last year, not long after getting one (again inherited her so not sure on age but she's a silver laced wyandotte) she developed bumblefoot and about a month after the other two got it. Went through the whole process with all three - the later 2 quickly and easily cleared up, the first one got really bad before it eventually got better in the fall (it literally took all summer to get cleared up). Now, this spring, that same chicken has bumblefoot AGAIN. The other two are totally fine (I've checked twice). And I'm starting to go through the process yet again. I consistently clean their bedding (wood shavings), they're on grass/dirt in their run (no rocks or anything) and it doesn't seem overly wet or anything in their run? Does anyone else seem to have one chicken that consistently gets it or is there something better I can do in their coop/run set up?

Also, with this one that has bumblefoot again, I can never find a "corn" or the root. When it first started this year it was just the scab (caught it pretty early two days after my mom and I noticed she was limping), and there was very little, if any, white stuff at all. So, I started putting icthammol on it to try to draw it out. Today, the infection did seem to be on top - a pus substance and some of the cheesy stuff (and the swelling wasn't any worse). I tried to clean it out the best I could but again I'm frustrated because I can't find a corn and it's hard to keep digging for cheesy stuff when I'm worried I'm hurting her and digging too much.

ANY advice is appreciated - thank you!!!
They’re just typical TSC roosts that came with the coop - probably 2 or 3 inches wide, slightly rounded - not really above the ground at all. Like the girls have to get up into the coop from the run but the roosts are almost on the floor of the coop
Is all the wood sanded? They first need a wound or puncture to occur, than the bacteria gets in the cut. I personally have never dealt with it here. Wish I could be more helpful.
Yes it is. No thanks for your help!! Do you know what height chickens can safely get down from? I’m not worried that maybe she is jumping too hard from the coop to the run and not using the ramp.

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