bumblefoot treatment

  1. M

    Need advice on bumblefoot

    A few days ago, I discovered my favorite chicken, a 5-year-old female buff Orpington, has bumblefoot on both her feet (stage 3 or 4). I don’t think her feet are swollen, but she has 2 dark scabs. I’ve noticed she walks a little weird sometimes and might be sleeping a little more than usual...
  2. buffy-the-eggpile-layer

    Stubborn, Painful Bumblefoot - No Core

    My 4 y/o GLW, Drucie, has struggled with bumblefoot on and off for most of her life. Whenever we finally get her to heal up, she always gets it back--and, notably, it always flares up during peak laying season (as if the act of laying causes system-wide inflammation). Anyway, a couple weeks...
  3. tanchick

    Bumblefoot surgery not walking

    Hi guys Hoping someone with experience can help and calm my chicken loving nerves One of my girls I discovered on Saturday limping. Checked her feet and it’s the dreaded bumblefoot. Been doing lots of research so have been Epsom salt bathing everyday twice a day, using Vetericyn, iodine, saline...
  4. P


    HELP!!! My chicken has a massively swollen foot, but only a small bumblefoot scab. About a month ago i soaked it in epsom salts and luke warm water, but it didn't really do anything and the swelling has gotten much worse. What should I do? Any advice would be immensely appreciated!! 😭😭🙏🙏
  5. 6

    Baytril 2.5% or 10% for Treating a Recurring Swollen Bumblefoot??

    I have heard many different opinions on whether to use or not use Baytril 2.5% or Baytril 10% to help cure a recurring and swollen bumblefoot. Question 1: Is Baytril SAFE for hens and, after a 2 week egg dumping/withdrawal period, can I eat the eggs from my treated hens? Question 2: If I...
  6. Flutterbudget


    Hi all, I noticed a couple of days ago one of my male Aylesbury ducks had begun limping on his left foot and inspected to find what I presume is bumblefoot. Since then I’ve been soaking in Epsom salt but it seems to be rock hard and deep seated in his foot, now leaving a hole. He seems content...
  7. ChickenPeep

    Silkie With Bumblefoot?

    Hello everyone, Let me preface this by saying that I am a grad student that lives at my parents house. If I seem uninvolved in this situation, that's why. My mom does most of the chicken work! Recently, one of our silkies has developed swollen toes and feet. I noticed it about a week ago. Her...
  8. Science and treatment for bumblefoot (footpad dermatitis)

    Science and treatment for bumblefoot (footpad dermatitis)

    Bumblefoot is a condition that can affect all domestic foul despite breed or age. It may be a scary sight. But fear not! For your fluffy gal (or roo) will get better in no time. All vocab words will be bolded at the bottom of the article to better help readers understand! Bumblefoot: What is...
  9. FleishyWifey

    Bumble foot help

    Quick, this is my rooster... is bumble foot contagious? Should I isolate? I heard epsom salt and warm water then pick off the black (yuck) and wrap. Will he pick off the wrapping? What causes it?
  10. M

    Bumblefoot treatment: is this ointment safe?

    Discovered bumblefoot on my hen today, soaked her in warm water with espom salt (10 min x2), and believe I have removed the kernels. She is currently sitting in my lap and all I can find in my house is "Triple Antibiotic Ointment" (image attached). Is this ointment safe to use? And if it is...
  11. A

    EXTREME bumblefoot

    Long story short, we brought home a duck who turned out to have EXTREME bumblefoot which advanced quickly and ended with amputation. I think Holly (the gal this post is about) got the same kind of infection from the new duck (based on how it looks and is acting - stringy and persistent) and we...
  12. E

    Bumblefoot- Pus Spots Developing?

    Hello, one of our 1.5yo hens has developed bumblefoot, likely stemming from a foot injury. We believe we caught the infection early and for the last two and a half weeks we've been treating her by soaking her feet in warm epsom salt baths twice daily and bandaging the feet. We apply antibiotic...
  13. Tanya22

    Bumblefoot removed but no kernal came out despite major swelling.

    Hi everyone! So, last year I had done Brownie's bumblefoot procedure for the first time. During the process no corn kernal had come out. I did the process again 2 days ago after lots and lots of warm water soaks for many days and removed his scab. A bit of infection like thing came out but...
  14. Tanya22

    Bumblefoot scab not coming off.

    Hi everyone! So, I had planned to remove Brownie's (my rooster) bumblefoot from both feet yesterday, but it was too hard even after half an hour of soaking in warm water! I tried to pluck it away using a pair of tweezers (I've done this before as well) but the bumblefoot scab was very firm...
  15. L

    is this bumblefoot!?- desperate need for help

    My duck has been walking with a bad limp for a while now and it started off with the middle toe being swollen and a scab (I think it was black but with her dark skin it's hard to tell). I put her on anti-biotics (in her water) for a week. No effect. I went on holiday for two weeks and when I...
  16. JensHens1987

    Bumblefoot frustration

    I know there is a wealth of info on bumblefoot treatment so maybe I’m looking for advice and maybe to vent a little. My chickens are basically my families pets. The poop in their coop is scooped out every morning. They have a soft sandy run and are let out a couple hours every day to free...
  17. Lola1609

    1st duck bumblefoot injury! Help!

    Hi BYC duck/bumblefoot experts! My rescue girl, Jemima, started limping. When I looked, I noticed it was a little swollen. I followed a great thread on here about treating bumblefoot without surgery, simply soaking and eventually removing the hard kernel of infection to allow new growth (I had...
  18. kip5254

    Bumblefoot Year 2 - Update and Advice Needed!

    Has anybody else have this happen to them? I had four chickens for 2 years without a SINGLE case of bumblefoot. All four of them were older girls (I got them older as a new chicken owner) and 3/4 passed away over the last year or so. Then, last year, I added 2 girls into the flock - so basically...
  19. J


    Hi folks, Im the local bird lady in an area with 70ish wild peafowl. Lots of the crew have foot issues, many are missing feet. Im thinking bumblefoot may be a culprit. Any suggestions on treating it? these are not "tame". i can get close, even hand feed a few but not close enough to treat...
  20. buffy-the-eggpile-layer

    Does this Bumblefoot Look Healed?

    Hi! We recently dealt with a double-bumblefoot issue in one of our hens that was pretty far along. We had the vet do surgery to remove the plugs (she had one on each foot). We then have been soaking, cleaning, and bandaging her for the last 2 months, hoping we wouldn't have to do another...
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