I have heard many different opinions on whether to use or not use Baytril 2.5% or Baytril 10% to help cure a recurring and swollen bumblefoot.

Question 1: Is Baytril SAFE for hens and, after a 2 week egg dumping/withdrawal period, can I eat the eggs from my treated hens?

Question 2: If I decide to get the Baytril...I am considering buying it from allbirdproducts.com, but wasn't sure if I should get the 2.5% or 10% Baytril?

Question 3: What is the dosage for Baytril, since I will be giving it, not in their water, but directly into their mouth with a syringe daily?

I have read that Baytril has been banned, due to the forever lasting traces of Baytril in a chicken's eggs, which can cause problems for people when they eat the said eggs....But I have also read that vets have prescribed it for ailing chickens, and it has worked really well.... I am at a loss at what to think!

There are no good, reliable poultry vets near me, so I have to treat my hens myself. Any advice would be appreciated!
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