
joan n

Apr 23, 2020
Hi folks, Im the local bird lady in an area with 70ish wild peafowl. Lots of the crew have foot issues, many are missing feet. Im thinking bumblefoot may be a culprit. Any suggestions on treating it? these are not "tame". i can get close, even hand feed a few but not close enough to treat a foot directly. Is there maybe an antibiotic that can go in the water i put out that may help? any suggestions would be helpful. there are no local animal agencies willing to help or treat these birds.
The most likely culprit is frostbite and there is nothing you can do except let the birds heal on their own. I advise not ever treating wild birds unless you can capture them and contain them while being treated. Watering down antibiotics and not giving in a prescribed manner is doing more damage than not giving it at all. Underdosing is a major problem and the reason many drugs are not working as they should.
The most likely culprit is frostbite and there is nothing you can do except let the birds heal on their own. I advise not ever treating wild birds unless you can capture them and contain them while being treated. Watering down antibiotics and not giving in a prescribed manner is doing more damage than not giving it at all. Underdosing is a major problem and the reason many drugs are not working as they should.
ya but it hasnt been cold enough here since early january to cause frostbit - he has a vet appointment tomorrow !! friday the 31

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