

In the Brooder
Apr 22, 2023
I check my Muscovies weekly to maybe bi weekly at most for foot and other issues and never noticed anything out of the ordinary until today. Is this Bumblefoot? Is it possible for it to happen in so many spots on both feet so quickly? She was holding one foot up a little at one point when standing which is what made me take notice but otherwise seems to be walking fine.


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Sure looks like it and it needs to be addressed immediately
Maybe @Miss Lydia or someone can confirm
There are a ton of threads on here that have helped my immensely in dealing with it on a few of my ducks
Can we see the top of her feet? I am not sure if this is bumble or over growth of skin there is an name for it but can't remember. First start by soaking her feet in warm Epsom Salt water best way to do this is put the ES into a bucket and then nice warm water place both feet down into the bucket and hold onto her if you can keep her in for 5-10 min that is a start. You don't want her drinking the water ES is also a laxative. After she has soaked take more pictures and post them. Meanwhile, I'll try to find the name for over growth of skin. Top and bottom of her feet.
My drake had this on one of his feet and I found AmaLactin lotion and used it on him. It has lactic acid in it.
Hyperkeratosis is the name I was looking for. But first, we need to determine if it is bumble or Hyperkeratosis.

what type of ground is she on?
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