bunnies and stuff


10 Years
May 26, 2009
who wants to know?
hola :)
ok, in April, my mom is getting me an Old English White Angoran Rabbit or something like that
i am completly new to rabbits.
i need tips on how to take care of them
i would ask my buddie Frank, but stuff happens...

anyway, i need as much as possible so i dont end up killing the poor thing or neglecting it or not give it the proper care
i also want to show him in 4H
i also picked out a name for him: Oliver B. Bunna
ok, im rambling
but really.
anything would be great
my aunt loves to knit and she told me that she better be getting some fuzzy yard outta that rabbit..lol
gosh,...i have to brush it daily too right?
If you are this concerned and asking for info I think you will be fine. As suggested Google the Rabbit breed and there is alot of info. Good Luck and please show us
pictures. I have 4 rabbits and love them. Good quality pellets and hay and water is the way to go. I agree with the post above - treats are not neccessary. I have given mine applesauce or pineapple juice for poop blockage which is caused by the rabbit grooming and swallowing fur.
You have already gotten good advice. I am going to give you another website to look at. www.arba.net. You can go to the main breed website from there & also I just would do searches for your breed that is what we have done & my kids show 4H & above. Good luck with all that hair & yes you have to groom them daily from what I have heard. I am glad my daughter has Mini Rex not much grooming. lol.

will tell you everything you need to know about caring for your rabbit. I would also suggest going to backyardherds.com, the sister site, since you are interested in showing. I would also suggest picking up the guidebook to raising better rabbits and cavies from the ARBA. or join the club and they will send it to you for free. I would also look into attending some rabbit shows and hooking up with a good angora breeder. That way you can learn how things are done at shows, because a lot of 4h fair shows follow the rules and regulations of the ARBA when it comes to putting on their shows.

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