Buttermilk Fried Chicken...OMG! LOL.


12 Years
Apr 29, 2007
Ok, so we had a plated landscape dinner at our farm last weekend *if you ever get a chance to go to one or host one... do it!* and the chefs made buttermilk fried chicken thigh with our chickens. It was to die for! I want to attempt this at home any ideas, has anyone tried this? Here is the picture, doubt I could make it look as pretty but would definitely like to attempt to make it taste similar. The thigh was boneless.... tasted amazingly nothing like a thigh.

I've been attempting to tackle a good fried chicken but have not even came close to this yet.

Here's the pic http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?f....10150243606894340.329766.132454544339&type=1
you can't see it unless you have a fb account... let me see if I can get the pic on my computer and load it that way.
Here ya go...

Not sure what spices they put in it, but the secret to crispy fried chicken is to soak it in the buttermilk then bread it and let it sit for about an hour before frying. Then all the breading stays on it.

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Of all the things I can cook.... I haven't yet mastered fried chicken. I'll keep on trying, though!!!! This post may inspire me!
Same here.... I'm determined to learn how. The biggest problem for me is getting the skin crispy.
I just discovered how good boneless thighs are as well. I was deboning some meat for sausage. I got the bone out of the thigh and realized, hey, this is a nice strip of boneless meat. So I kept one out and threw it on the grill that evening. WOW! Like you said, it tastes totally different, plus it takes much less time to cook. Well worth the few minutes it took to debone.
OK, here's how Grammy made it: Soak overnight in the buttermilk (or at least 4 hours). It tenderizes the meat a bit. Dredge in flour with a bit of salt, pepper or any other spice you care to use. I use a ziplock bag for this, as it's much less messy. Set the coated pieces on a cold plate. Put in the fridge for about 15 minutes. Get your oil hot; I prefer to use a big cast iron skillet. Gently slide the chicken into the oil and brown both sides quickly. Don't crowd the pan, as that lowers the temperature and messes with the quick browning you want to achieve. Take out cooked pieces and add more if you need to. Then lower the heat to med/low, let the oil cool a little, and put all the chicken back in, cover the pan and slow cook the chicken for another 30-45 minutes. This steams the chicken without making it soggy. Drain on a paper towel & serve. Yom!

If you really want to be decadent, make up some herb butter and put that in the middle of your chicken thigh before going through the above steps. Nyarrr! It's worth forgetting about your fat intake once or twice a year!
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I get frustrated trying to get fried chicken. I usually try to use my 7 qt dutch oven. It seems to help keep the oil at a more consistent temperature. That's my biggest problem.

That chicken looks divine by the way!

@Merryment: I will definitely try that!

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