Buy it Now - Sapphire Hatching Eggs 12+

Thanks for the advice! It's hard to figure out what to do and this is my first attempt to hatch so I am a little apprehensive... I only wiped the most soiled ones gently with the wipe so hopefully they will still hatch. I am trying some from my own pullets for a friend in the same incubator so I was concerned after reading that bacteria could infect all the eggs, but I won't worry so much now. It will probably be a good test for me! I will update on the results! Here's to hoping they ALL hatch! :)

We will all be rooting for you! Hope they are ok :)

My first two eggs. Both laid by Hilde my super blue at 22 weeks. The first on the right, found on Thursday, is light green. The second egg, found Saturday afternoon, is light blue and noticeably larger. Her sister Henrietta will probably start any day now. Both such sweetie pies!
My first two eggs. Both laid by Hilde my super blue at 22 weeks. The first on the right, found on Thursday, is light green. The second egg, found Saturday afternoon, is light blue and noticeably larger. Her sister Henrietta will probably start any day now. Both such sweetie pies!
What do you have available right now? I'd only want 6 or 8 to put under a broody.

I have several from my lavender roo some sex linked Easter eggers and some dirty eggs from my crest cream legbar roo. I can ship Monday no problem. pm me for more info.
my chicks have hatched! I only got 4 total, but the one from the the legbar we have named Stealth because it had wings like a stealth bomber at first and is pure black! What a cutie! Hoping all four are hens! The rest of the eggs were pretty scrambled, but I am happy to have four healthy ones! Thanks!
For those of you who wanted to know if the super blues were broody.....well Henrietta my girl that started laying at 22.5 weeks just went broody at 26. She is the sweetest little thing normally and when we tried to pet her in the nest box, that she's been in all day, she reminded me of that dinosaur in Jurassic Park (the first one) that flipped out it's face fins and shot out venom. Pretty funny! Hopefully her sister doesn't join in on the fun!

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