Buy it Now - Sapphire Hatching Eggs 12+

For those of you who wanted to know if the super blues were broody.....well Henrietta my girl that started laying at 22.5 weeks just went broody at 26. She is the sweetest little thing normally and when we tried to pet her in the nest box, that she's been in all day, she reminded me of that dinosaur in Jurassic Park (the first one) that flipped out it's face fins and shot out venom. Pretty funny! Hopefully her sister doesn't join in on the fun!
Thought I'd follow up. Well, my son accidentally collected Henrietta's egg when she was off the nest and by the time we found it, via candling, it was too late. I happened to have some white silkie/jubilee orp eggs in the brinsea so I popped those under her. Well three days later Hen was the proud Mama of six. Today Hen brought the babies, at 6 days old, out in the run to mingle with the flock. I was extremely apprehensive, but things are going well so far. She, one of the jubilee orpington hens, and the jubilee orp roo (he's the chicks daddy) have been guarding the babies, although no one has bothered them at all. It's quite cold, so now I'm just hoping they will make it back up the ramp. I can attest now that super blues make excellent broodies and mamas! Go Hen!
I have 16 as of today. pm me if you want them. I am going to the post office tomorrow and could get them mailed too....if not Monday is an option too.
All three of my girls that grew out from these eggs lay blue! Yay! The last one just started. One lays a light blue the other two are a really rich nice blue. No green eggs, I am so happy :) I have Purebred Wheaten Ameraucanas to get blue eggs, these SBEL's lay better ( most every day) Bigger, and bluer. Will have to get some more eggs in a month or two for a jump start on my spring chicks :)
Do you still have the FBCM too? I might see if I can get a mix again.
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All three of my girls that grew out from these eggs lay blue! Yay! The last one just started. One lays a light blue the other two are a really rich nice blue. No green eggs, I am so happy
I have Purebred Wheaten Ameraucanas to get blue eggs, these SBEL's lay better ( most every day) Bigger, and bluer. Will have to get some more eggs in a month or two for a jump start on my spring chicks

Do you still have the FBCM too? I might see if I can get a mix again.

Yes I still have them! Just PM me when you are ready! ...... not to tempt you or anything but I have a doz+ SBEL and a doz Marans now...
VERY tempting. BUT, I just got all the chicks out of my garage, and am enjoying a "chicken dust free/no cleaning shavings out of waterers" happy zone for a bit through the holidays. But I like my chicks around 2/1 so I will definitely pm you after Christmas! I definitely want more of each . My FBCM girl I hatched from you last year is the sweetest girl I have, and her eggs are great, she came from a super dark egg. ( I had lots of boys that hatch, so glad I got this girl!)
VERY tempting. BUT, I just got all the chicks out of my garage, and am enjoying a "chicken dust free/no cleaning shavings out of waterers" happy zone for a bit through the holidays. But I like my chicks around 2/1 so I will definitely pm you after Christmas! I definitely want more of each . My FBCM girl I hatched from you last year is the sweetest girl I have, and her eggs are great, she came from a super dark egg. ( I had lots of boys that hatch, so glad I got this girl!)
The 5 chicks that hatched from your eggs are doing SO good! super cute energetic little buggers, even in our cool temps! I know one is for sure a roo and most likely 2 more. One chick is getting a crest so looks like a little mohawk! They are 6 weeks old now. I hope in the spring to have another broody so I can order more eggs from you :)
The 5 chicks that hatched from your eggs are doing SO good! super cute energetic little buggers, even in our cool temps! I know one is for sure a roo and most likely 2 more. One chick is getting a crest so looks like a little mohawk! They are 6 weeks old now. I hope in the spring to have another broody so I can order more eggs from you :)

They are really cute with that crest!!!! I hope I still have a pen set up for them come spring. People love them but I have so many new breeds for the spring not sure what I will have room for.... I do know I will have Crested Cream Legbars and Black and Lavender Ameraucanas so maybe I can keep a couple of White Leghorns in with them. (I have 4 and 5 in each pen right now)

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