
8 Years
Apr 9, 2011
East Tennessee
I would like to take this opportunity to warn anyone out there who's considered buying hatching eggs on a "pre-sale" basis. Stupid me just assumed it would be okay and that I'd have the eggs in time to leave feedback in the event something went wrong...NOPE! This guy has 100% feedback so I THOUGHT he'd be an honest person and would treat me the way he'd treat any buyer. Well, he didn't. It took ME getting ahold of him before he even remembered me. Then, he asked for all of my info because he "didn't have his records in front of him". Once that was taken care of he promised he'd ship the next day....9 days later NO EGGS have arrived on my end. So I message him again..."oh sorry...I've sent a lot of eggs to your area but I guess I didn't get to yours". (even though I was one of the VERY FIRST to buy from him this year)..two days later my eggs FINALLY show up. This is near three months after I paid for them mind you..which wouldn't have been a problem except that I had to remind HIM that he owed them to me. the eggs came. I open the box and in it is a grocery really, a grocery bag! Inside the bag are the eggs, each one wrapped in bubble wrap except the one that was just laying there at the bottom of the bag. HOW ON EARTH these eggs didn't break is beyond me! Anyway, I candled and oh my..the air cells were beyond ruptured. All but two had bubbles floating around in them. I set all of them anyway in hopes that I'd at least get something out of it. By this time, I've complained to the seller and he's just rude and commences to tell me that he's removed me from his buyer other words, he actually thought he'd need to!!! WHY would I EVER buy from him again? So..back to the eggs...after about a week it was clear that all but two of the eggs had to be thrown out...I was SHOCKED that two even started growing because the air cells weren't just damaged, they were HUGE. I knew there was a very VERY slim chance that the little ones would make it to hatch but I did what I could to make sure they had the best shot. Well, to make this long story short, two days ago...right at hatch time, the chicks hadn't grown right, were really small, and ultimately died in shell. Upon examining them guess what I found??? GO ON...GUESS! One of them was a Rouen, yes...but the other was a WHITE duckling! The listing was for SHOW Quality Rouens...not PEKINS! So I sent the seller yet another message letting him know that I knew what he had done...his message back to me..." I was wondering what happened to those!!!" What a jerk!

Anyway, my point is..when you take away the risk of negative feedback, it seems at least with some sellers, customer service, honesty, integrity, decency, and just good ole fashioned "doing the right thing", gets thrown out the window! Because it was a pre-sale and because he took so long after in getting my eggs to me, I had no recourse. Ebay's feedback system only lasts for so long and after a certain time has passed, you can't even post a complaint with BEWARE of those who post Pre-Sales! I do have to say that I did another Pre-Sale with a different seller as well and although I wasn't 100% pleased with his packing method and had two eggs arrive broken, I do believe him to be a standup guy and out of the 6 eggs I got from him, 3 are fertile and growing. I would LOVE to post the name of the guy that I had issues with as I would imagine he also sells or posts on here...most bird people do....however, I don't think that's allowed. BUYER BEWARE!!!
Hahaha a duck????
Ok once i read that i couldnt stop laughing
i am still laughing, i feel really bad for you though, do you still have the duck? Thank you for warning the rest of us, even though i dont buy eggs from ebay i will never think of it.
Hahaha a duck????
Ok once i read that i couldnt stop laughing
i am still laughing, i feel really bad for you though, do you still have the duck? Thank you for warning the rest of us, even though i dont buy eggs from ebay i will never think of it.

Not sure what's so funny? I bought Rouen DUCK eggs...he included Pekin DUCK eggs. And no, both "ducks" died in the egg.. I found out about the white duck by doing an eggtopsy. Buying eggs on Ebay can be okay but not always so it's good you don't I guess.
Yeah when i was reading your post i was thinking about chickens and i wasnt concentrating and you suddenly said duck, i am sorry i know it is not that funny but if you were in my head, it would be hilarious.
I am sorry to hear about the ducks.

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