By Request: Harvey, my Golden Laced Cochin Rooster


12 Years
Aug 10, 2007
Redding, Ca.
It is so nice when someone wants to see your chickens pictures. Like a proud mama or grandma, here is Harvey. I took these this morning.

And his son, Emerson. His son's mama is a black cochin.

Thanks, he looks better than his daddy, who I got from a breeder but he is so not "type" with his wry tail, and shortness, and other imperfections. He is a love though. His son, Emerson is just a great rooster too. Got his gentle temperament from his daddy.

He is a standard, and so far, his only son is Emerson, shown here with no wry tail. I understand that it can come through or not and it didnt'. His son is also much larger than he is.

Harvey was very ill as a chick and nearly died. I think that coupled with his breeders breeding probably made him small. I could be wrong about that , so someone with more knowlege than I have, please feel free to jump in.

Anyway, thanks, Even with all his imperfections, he has become my favorite boy.
They are both really handsome.

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