BYC gardening thread!!

Do you garden?

  • No

    Votes: 9 1.9%
  • Yes

    Votes: 459 95.8%
  • Have in the past

    Votes: 11 2.3%

  • Total voters
Thats awesome! Lol I love surprises...
We're doing a May mystery swap on the Plant/Garden/Seed swap. Here's the link: Its like Secret Santa for Plant junkies
That's one of my artichokes that hasn't fruited in 2 years lol but this is the year! (i hope)

The 3rd year was the magic year for mine. This being the 3rd year, we have already picked four, and there are 9 more on it in various stages.
My plant looks different than many of the other artichoke plants I've seen, and your looks totally different than any I've ever seen. Are you sure its an artichoke?

Also, weren't you expecting an important package of the buzzing variety today?
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We're starting a garden,we got the ground tilled,and we've sortA been pulling the weeds etc. But my parents will never get around to buying the seeds,this is the closest we've been to a garden though.
But when it comes to ACTUALLY doing something,my mom procrastinates like no tomorrow.I'm sick of them saying we're going to do something,and not doing it!!!I'm like,ok,let's go build that coop,or pull those weeds,or even just take some photos for ebay,and they're just like,well, maybe later,I'm too tired right now,oh,we'll do it tomorrow. I thought the teenagers were the procrastinators!!
Better be an artichoke! Lmao! And yes! Package arrived....OPENED! Aaaaaahhhh! It arrived at the post office at 5am, post office called yelling that they were escaping! Omg. So we go and get it (well the guys do- I'm allergic lol and while not scared, don't need to be in the enclosed car with a box of upset/hot/hungry bees) was chaos lol they had chewed thru the packing box edge a tiny bit- then the postal worker told us the box got crushed- looked alright actually, more like someone popped it open to see what was inside...whoops! Then tried to retape it, bees were stuck to tape on top not near the chew hole. But least they were alive!
They got them home and opened and fed them in a temp box to calm. They're going in the hive today...ill try and get pics. The outfits aren't camera friendly!

The 3rd year was the magic year for mine.  This being the 3rd year, we have already picked four, and there are 9 more on it in various stages.
My plant looks different than many of the other artichoke plants I've seen, and your looks totally different than any I've ever seen.  Are you sure its an artichoke?

Also, weren't you expecting an important package of the buzzing variety today?
Our beans all died. It was so sad, as soon as we trance-planted them they died. I don't even know why...

But we are getting some more beans from are local greenhouse (bush beans) so I think it'll be okay.


I'll get more pics as they acclimate, so far so good, syrup is there but they're already using flowers :)

Better be an artichoke! Lmao! And yes! Package arrived....OPENED! Aaaaaahhhh! It arrived at the post office at 5am, post office called yelling that they were escaping! Omg. So we go and get it (well the guys do- I'm allergic lol and while not scared, don't need to be in the enclosed car with a box of upset/hot/hungry bees) was chaos lol they had chewed thru the packing box edge a tiny bit- then the postal worker told us the box got crushed- looked alright actually, more like someone popped it open to see what was inside...whoops! Then tried to retape it, bees were stuck to tape on top not near the chew hole. But least they were alive!
They got them home and opened and fed them in a temp box to calm. They're going in the hive today...ill try and get pics. The outfits aren't camera friendly!

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