BYC gardening thread!!

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So just for fun I crossed a few of my volunteer ornamental squash with some of my other squash, I crossed a patty pan, a scallop (At least that's what I think it is.) and a crooked neck winged squash (I'm not quite sure what it is) with crooked neck, this ought to be interesting, I also crossed the winged squash with a zucchini, they all seem to have taken.
That's very cool Dan.
You will have to keep me updated on how they do.
Thanks! Those aren't the ones I pollinated, those are OP and could be any number of things, crossed back to itself, crossed to mini pumpkin, crossed to either of my 2 types of zucchini, or crossed with spaghetti squash or patty pan or scallop and least but not least they could be crossed straight neck or crook neck squash. The fruits I pollinated are only a few days old.
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