BYC gardening thread!!

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They are eating my strawberries to. Yesterday I saw one little stinker chewing a strawberry.
They are super cute.
So my tomatoes are flowering - some of them. Can't wait for tomatoes. Turnips and beets doing great.
Can't wait also. Tuuurnip yuuuum !


I found some baby cantaloupe!

Dan the yellow flower is Rudbeckia commonly known as coneflower.
I don't have a single sunflower this year. We have little wild bunnies in our garden and they helped them self to the sunflowers
when they sprouted. I think they must taste delicious because I planted like 50 of them and every one is gone.
Good for the little furballs .Love them.

That's what my mom thought. Sunflowers sprouts are really good for rabbits, lots of protein and vitamins, also sunflower sprouts/seeds help does produce more milk, we give our does sunflowers while they're lactating.
Oh wow. I give our rabbits sunflower seeds in their feed every few day's as a treat. They need the protein and they love them.
I think one of my raspberries is called a royalty. I like to pick them before they get that dark. I also have a dark yellow volunteer that produces a nice berry. And just for grins and giggles, I bought a red one this season, but it's still in a pot. Not sure where to plant it.

My MIL likes all things oriental, and it reflects in her flower gardens. She loves Japanese Maple, but it's marginally successful here. Has not survived for her. I've noted that there are some plants now on the market that are more shrubby, but the leaves bear a bit of resemblance to JM. Today, we were ambling around at an Agway, and I spied a JM look alike. I gave it a closer inspection, and it's an elderberry with deep burgundy foliage. Rated for zone 4 and above, so it came home with me. Don't know about the fruit quality, but she loves to feed the wild life, so... Birthday for MIL, check!
I am loving my garden this year! I have my pumpkin plants growing giant, some zucchini, butternut, spaghetti squash, green beans, lake, sugar snap peas, cauliflower, celery, strawberries, jalapenos, spinach, tomatoes, and watermelon. This is the biggest ant of my plants have grown before. I am super excited to be able to start harvesting. This past week I harvested most of my sugar snap peas.
This year is looking good for me as well. My sugar snaps have just started blooming. Have 2 good stands of carrots started, have harvested some awesome radish. Had some fantastic salads. It's time to plant more lettuce. Potatoes and corn off to a good start. Pole beans starting to run. Squash, though not many plants are looking good. Cukes starting to finally put on some size. Broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage getting established since being planted last week.
Picked some sugar snap peas for supper . Cukes and squash taking off . Tilled to kill weeds . Need to replant some things . If weeds get too tall I mow them first . Easier tilling . I need to put down some cardboard now for weed barrier .
So nice to hear everyone's gardens are doing great! Jerry your raspberry looks very nice.

My Dh found 4 little egg plants on our plant. So I guess the hand fertilizing on them worked as well.

I still have white moths flying and landing on all my plants and something is still eating everything! Now it's eating my American Plum trees I am trying to grow!
I guess I need to order some BT you were telling me about Jerry. What is the name to look for in the store please.

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