BYC MAGIC YARN BALL SWAP This is complete. New Swap on it's own thread

OH MY!!! Sending hugs and healing vibes her way!!!
I sure hope Em will be ok and heal quickly. She'll be missed and hopefully there will be another swap like this when she is better.
how many ppl do we have for the swap now?

I found a pattern that only needed on skein of yarn but after I looked a little closer it said you have to use the super saver 15oz skein so not sure if I want that one. Kind of hard to put that much yarn in a ball. Already tired it befor without all the cool stuff hidden in the middle.

Guess I will keep looking. Might have to go out and buy a printer after all and just download one of the free ones off the net.

I have been looking for an excuse to get a printer.
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I would love to participate. I heard about this from a friend when I was complaining I couldn't find one of these swaps. But to be honest I don't have any chickens and when we have the space I plan on getting ducks... So let me know if it is OK for an outsider to join.
Vetcw3 You don't have to have chickens to join. I know a few others that don't have chickens or ducks and are in our square swap too. Amyquilt is the one that got this swap going so if you want to join you need to send your info to her.

Your user name
Your real name
Your mailing address
Your email addy.

And also copy and paste the first page with your interest and the other things that are on there. Can't remember what all you have to put on there cuz I haven't looked in a little while. Read the first page if you haven't already done so. Welcome and glad you joined.
is this to late to get in on? this is a COOL idea!!!! I am going to town tommorrow to get the stuff to build the room in the bard for my girls... I guess I have to stop at the yarn store now too!!!!
Signups are still open. All the swap details are in post #1.

I am MIA because my 4yo ds was hospitalized on Monday. This is "normal" for us during the winter.

Will catch up in a day or two.
1. BYC name: vetcw3

2. Are you willing to ship outside of the US if needed? I would really prefer not to, but I can't say no.

3. Do you prefer your pattern to be for knit or crochet or something other? What is your skill level for this technique? Knit, advanced intermediate, I suppose. Don't be afraid to send me a challenging pattern, I love to learn.

4. Any stitches or techinques you are interested in learning or experimenting with? Not that I know of. I really prefer to knit with worsted or heavier yarn.

5. Your favorite colors? Your least favorite color? Do you prefer variegated yarn or solid color?
Blues, greens (muted), teals, browns, reds, naturals are my favorites, solids or gradual variegation. I don't like pastels, or pink, orange and yellow aren't particular favorites. Any of these are OK in SMALL amounts
I recently fell in love with tweeds but I haven't had an excuse to buy any yet.

6. Preferred yarn type(s)? (Ex: wool, cotton, bamboo, acrylic, mixed fibers) I like wool (I enjoy like felting) or wool blends, other natural fibers are fine. Acrylic blends are fine ("Homespun" drives me nuts). I have never tried 100% cotton so I don't know.

7. Do you spin? Nope

8. Any yarn or other allergies? nope

9. Any cats or other common allergens INSIDE your home? Cat, children (do they count?)

10. Give a brief summary of yourself. Likes/dislikes, etc.
I am a SAHM mom, 1 three year old, 1 six month old so that keeps me busy. In my spare time I knit, sew, quilt, read (sci fi is my favorite) and do woodwork. I also enjoy cooking and baking. I actually don't have any chickens and my husband is vegetarian and after a child hood incident with a rooster really doesn't like them. We do plan on raising ducks for eggs when we move out of town.
We have a cat and are considering getting a dog but we aren't sure yet. I just graduate with BS in biology, finally! I consider myself more of a tomboy and I am not really into girly things.
In the knitting arena, I have options needles that I really like, my favorite patterns are usually quick ones that don't use to much yarn but I am about to embark on a danish tie shawl.
On ravelry I am che1sea
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