BYC Member Interview - Ol Grey Mare


Just made me smile! Love the stories. What wonderful memories!
Oh, what a lovely interview! I love those older pics of you as a child. Brings back memories of my own.

Thank you SO much for sharing!!
Oh, what a lovely interview! I love those older pics of you as a child. Brings back memories of my own.

Thank you SO much for sharing!!

Yeah, well, I was cute when I was little..........I'm a total photo-phobic now, lol.

Hope this works - that is my Oner and Bunko. Oh the stories that man would make up to tell us kids - and every time we'd visit he'd give me a sandwich bag filled with all the pennies he had accumulated since my last visit, I always thought I was rich (and now, looking back, I know I was - just not financially). I still remember how she'd start in on him about something from the kitchen and we'd be sitting in the family room - he'd reach up and turn off his hearing aid and when she'd come around the corner yammering at him he'd just smile and nod, not hearing a word of it.
Quote: What a nice picture!! I love looking at old pics. Really takes you back in time, even if they aren't in my past. Ha! And that is just too funny....about turning off the hearing aid!!
Thanks so much for sharing yourself with us here. You are such a wonderful person! A great asset to BYC too.

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