BYC New Feature Treasure Hunt - WOOT!

The top of the index page header is a different style, I think. Where the is.

And there is an inbox notice at the bottom right of the page. Nope that is just a GFM ad.

Actually now that I look at the whole page there are little tweeks here and there.
Nice job Nifty.
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Just visited a members BYC page. There is now a comments box at the bottom. Or has that been there for a while?
In the announcement regarding the new features, there is a link for "Sponsors" that takes you to a list of all the sponsors with ads that appear at the top and bottom of the page. I have looked for a list before, when trying to decide whether to mention a particular company in a post and been unsuccessful in finding a list. I like that feature and hope that it either remains - or is more easily located if it has been there in the past.
One thing I noticed, yesterday so I don't know if it's new, was you can select in your preferences to have the "reply" actually there in the email notification you get. So you don't HAVE to click on the link to read it. Of course who wou;dn't click on the link to see what's been goining on since the last time you were on???

New or not???
In our Personal Profiles we can look at our Auctions & listings and past ones... or was that there before?

I admit, I'm sloooooooooooooooooooow.

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