BYC Personal Pages Upgrade

Oh Lordy, I should have known that, geez...........sorry for the trouble, I now see it's there. Thank goodness you're there for us!
Hellup! I have created a page and even added one pic - then tried to create another page called Cheep Accomodations and it won't let me upload anything from photo bucket and I did EGGzactly what you said in guide.
So now what? I successfully loaded pics onto the forum and yes I know that is different but I want to create a nice juicy page and maybe enter a contest or two...
aka LaBanan
Hi Nifty - yes, I know the second page is blank - that's because I try putting a pic up and I get one of those little boxes with the x's in them so I edit them out and try again about five thousand times!
I also couldn't get another pic on the home page - same problem although I did it exactly the same way I did the shot of Dearie.
Oy! I'll give it a shot later today after work.
Thanks for replying.
I spent an awful lot of time in the middle of the night last night (couldn't sleep)trying to update my personal pages and then to add a coop page. Nothing I changed stuck! I did it three times
I tried to just edit and remove pics on the first page...never got past the first page of editing...when I clicked on publish changes it gave me the corrected version with a lot of computer symbols that I didn't understand and no way to continue or get out of it. I had to close with the red x in top right hand corner of the page each time. Yes, I did click on "publish changes". It took me so long with dial up that I got so frustrated that I will not do it again as it takes way too long and didn't work for me. I have done it before ...many months ago and it worked fine. I liked the fact that you put a link to our personal pages under our user names/avatars. I don't want anyone seeing my personal page now as so much has changed here on our little farm.
Hey ozark hen, thanks for the note! We did have some technical difficulties starting last night around 9:00 pm and lasting until mid day today. Can you do a small edit now to see if it works?

We've got a pageview / hit counter at the bottom of ever page now (just like people requested) and are working on a few other exciting items too.
Nifty, I made the changes and this time it was fast and very easy. Thank you. I did notice the number of views in the corner. I do like the Personal Page under the avatars. Makes it much easier. Thank you very much.
Hi Nifty - I finally got my pics loaded - I guess it was waiting for me to finish my coop. Now I have another question. How do I change the name of a page? Also, I made separate pages as it seemed it would only go so far but I've seen others and they go farther. hmmm... not a big deal as long as people are willing to go to another page but just wondering what I'm doing wrong! This is really fun. I could waste a heck of a lot of time with this.
jan la banan
La Banan, I don't think you can change the name of a page.. What you can do is edit your exsisting page, right click and scroll down to the end and copy all of its content. Then make a new page and paste the content onto that with the new name. Then go back and delete your old page. I hope this helps.

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