BYC Personal Pages Upgrade

Somehow I got a duplicate paragraph on my page and no matter what I try,I can't delete it. I've tried just deleting,cutting,and even tried to change the font color so it would just blend in. Nothing helps. Any suggestions?
I don't know what else to suggest. It did work for me. I wanted to change the name of one of my pages so I copied the entire page including pictures and pasted it in wordpad. I created a new page with a name I liked better, then pasted the saved text including pictures and presto a new page. I then deleted the one I didn't like. Good luck, Stan
o.k. I finally just deleted my page and began anew. I'm not "gifted' with computers,so things can be a struggle. Here are some things I learned: when posting a picture from photobucket,copy the "direct link"url and when editing your page,click the insert image,paste the url,add a description and you are done. To resize the picture or move it,click on the image and it will be outlined(I know there is a better term,but I don't know it)and you can push,pull or move it. To get a counter,just google "hit counters" and choose one of the sites. If you want a free one,you will have to take the advertizing link and don't alter it. Some are more difficult to add than others. I used "amazing counters" for mine.
Now my problem-inserting time. I inserted it,but it doesn't change.If I can get it fixed,I'll be satisfied. Thanks for the features Nifty,I love my page!!
I thought I knew how to post pictures - I've been successful on other sites, but why can't I here?

All that shows is the little red x's and my title.'s probably a very simple fix.

Help for the Spent-Hen, anyone?
Dear Nifty,
I just created my page(s), and I'd like to be able to email a link to my best friend and my mom. BUT, I even struggled after watching the tutorial four or five times (I'm better with chickens than I am with computers).

Can you tell me IF I can email a link to them? and if so, HOW? I tried emailing the "click here for my page" link to myself, and then clicked on it. It took me to the BYC homepage, so I'm guessing I'm missing some info that goes in the URL, of course I don't know WHAT that info

I really loved looking at everyone's pages, and I'm building a new coop that I hope will be done in time to enter into the contest.

OMG, I spent quite a bit of time today creating a new page for the coop design contest, have some experience and no difficulty figuring out how to use the Page Creation tool and typed up a story, added photos, etc. Did everything right, was even able to preview it. When I was done, I clicked on the publish button and although it said "done" at the bottom left hand corner, nothing appeared on the screen. When I went back to check my page, the title was there but when I clicked on it, nothing appeared! Why do you think it didn't publish? I knew I should have copied and saved the entire thing but alas, didn't. Boo hoo.....Could it be in limbo somewhere?????

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