BYC Personal Pages Upgrade

I am having a problem with picture size. When I want to add a picture that is 640 x 480, I cannot seem to do it. The first pics I added to my page were fine and that size. But after I switched to 320 x 240 for some of the photos, the Appearance Dimensions seem to default to that size and if I change it to 640 x 480 the resolution comes out awful--even though that is the size I have uploaded to Photobucket. Now how do I reset the default to the larger size so the pics will be of good quality????
The same thing seems to happen to me but only when I try to resize after I'm added the pic to my page. And still sometimes when I refresh the screen, it turns out OK. I think it's a bug somewhere maybe with Photobucket. Now, I resize my pics, (be sure to click "apply" before clicking "replace original") before adding them to BYC. good luck!
I have tried it all ways with no luck. Resized in photobucket, tried to replace in the mypage---but no luck
I've been having problems posting an Avatar until today. On the backyard cow forum I'm having problems with uploading a photo of my cow and using an avatar.... I wonder why we're unable to get this going?
A-ha!! I've figured it out! When you're inserting an image, you must also click on the "appearance" tab. It will have a spot called "dimensions" It automatically falls to a default size of 1024 which is too big and distorts the photos. change it to 400 or whatever your size is and click on the "restrain proportions" button to remove the check and it will resize!!!! to a nice and beautiful pic. Happy byc-ing girls and good luck new2peeps
Thanks for the info
I had actually done all of that to no avail and as it turns out I have a 20 something year old son who is a computer whiz and he went into the html editor and rearranged things, then told me that my IE browser was caching an old version of the photo--and I use Firefox--so that no matter what size I picked it defaulted to the one in the cache. The upside was that despite what I was seeing in my IE browser tab, the real picture in the blog was okay
The program just does not work with Firefox/ IE tabs well.
Well, at least you know what's up. It's always irritating not knowing how to fix it. My computer skills have definitely improved since using image hosting sites and belonging to message boards such as this. I'm proud of myself for fixing it for me:D It's been sucha pain!
I am soooo computer DUMB, so please don't laugh at this question. I FINALLY got how to start my page and started typing in info. My pictures of my coop are in my document
on my computer How do I get them from the file in my document into my page so I can display them. Once I get that I think I'll be ok
thanks to anyone who will help
The best thing to do is upload to photo bucket, then you can insert your images from there. If you do not already have one, set up your free photobucket account , from there you can upload your pics from your files, edit as necessary and place them into your pages, photobucket makes it easy by giving you the link codes for each photo.

Good luck
Well, here is mine... Still on-going, but there are chickens in it now!

Should be done before the end of July. (I hope!)

Why does this link not work?? It seems like some of the hyper-link dissapears when posted, but when copy & pasted directly it works. If I try to edit, it is correct! What the heck??'s_Coop
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